Grand Admiral Thrawn (47) - Hasbro - The Black Series [Phase III] (2017)
Star Wars Collectible News, Photos, and Reviews

Visual Guide Action Photography Update - Part 1

We have our first update from our Visual Guide Action Photography submissions! First, I want to thank everyone who submitted photos, they were visually stunning! We received a huge response (nearly 100 photos this first go-around)! For this first update, we have taken a selection from multiple viewers to display a wide range of style and scale. In the future, we may again feature a variety, or a single viewer, or a mix. Click through and enjoy!


Click below to see each submission in their respective Visual Guide. We have many, many more to add so if you don’t see yours added, it may because we haven’t gotten to it yet. Stay tuned for more updates! Click HERE to see how you can submit your own Action Figure Photography for inclusion in our Visual Guide archives!

Note: In the Visual Guides, the Action Photography will be at the end of the slideshow, so you will have to scroll to the end to see the full-size versions of each submission.

A huge thank you to everyone who submitted their work! There were some amazing submissions and we look forward to adding more to the Archives! Do yourself a favor and follow these contributors on Instagram so you can enjoy all of their work, past and present!!


Contributor: Matthew Cohen (Instagram: shootingthegalaxy)
Scale: Six Inch (Hasbro)
Figure: Grand Admiral Thrawn (47) (The Black Series [Phase III])
Primary Visual Guide: Grand Admiral Thrawn (47) (The Black Series [Phase III])


Contributor: Imperial Sock (Instagram: imperial_sock)
Scale: 3.75 Inch (Hasbro)
Figures: Grand Admiral Thrawn (Rogue One), Agent Kallus (Star Wars Rebels), Mouse Droid (Rogue One – Galen Erso Accessory), Interrogation Droid (30th Anniversary Collection – Capture of Tantive IV Battle Pack)
Primary Visual Guide: Grand Admiral Thrawn (Rogue One)


Contributor: Trevor Williams/One: Six Shooter (Instagram: onesix_shooter)
Scale: 1:6 (Hot Toys)
Figures: Kylo Ren (MMS320), Rey & BB-8 (MMS337), First Order Stormtrooper Officer & Stormtrooper (MMS335)
Primary Visual Guides: Kylo Ren (MMS320), Rey & BB-8 (MMS337)


Contributor: Marcel (Instagram: 3lesie)
Scale: Six Inch (Hasbro)
Figures: K-2SO (24), Stormtrooper (48) (The Black Series [Phase III])
Primary Visual Guide: K-2SO (24) (The Black Series [Phase III])


Contributor: Carlo Velazquez (Instagram: tx0666)
Scale: 3.75 Inch (Hasbro)
Figure: Saw Gerrera (Jedha Revolt Multipack) (Rogue One)
Primary Visual Guide: Saw Gerrera (Jedha Revolt Multipack) (Rogue One)


Contributor: Ethan (Instagram: ct5399)
Scale: Six Inch (Hasbro)
Figure: Rey’s Speeder (Jakku)/Rey (Scavenger) (The Black Series [Phase III])
Primary Visual Guide: Rey’s Speeder (Jakku)/Rey (Scavenger) (The Black Series [Phase III])


Contributor: Rudy (Instagram: sneakertoys)
Scale: 1:6 (Hot Toys)
Figures: R2-D2 (MMS408), Yoda (MMS369)
Primary Visual Guide: Yoda (MMS369)


Contributor: Todd Hofherr (Instagram: ToddHofherr)
Title: Ben Appears to Luke on Hoth
Scale: Six Inch
Figures: Obi-Wan Kenobi (Force Spirit) (The Black Series [Phase III]), Luke Skywalker (Luke Skywalker & Wampa Set) (The Black Series [Phase II])
Primary Visual Guide: Obi-Wan Kenobi (Force Spirit) (The Black Series [Phase III])



Want to contribute? Read our submission guidelines HERE and send your photos to [email protected]

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