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Visual Guide Action Photography Update - Part 3: @imperial_sock Spotlight

It’s time for another Visual Guide Action Photography update, this time featuring our first full spotlight article showcasing the talents of one photographer. We’re presenting the work from imperial_sock, showing off his talents photographing 3.75″ figures. If you recall, he also gave us this super-cool video that we featured last week. Click through to check out some of his work that is now added to our Visual Guides!


Click HERE to see how you can submit your own Action Figure Photography for inclusion in our Visual Guide archives!

Note: In the Visual Guides, the Action Photography will at the end of the slide show, so you will have to scroll to the end to see the full-size versions of each submission.


Photographer Spotlight: imperial_sock


Title: Enough of This!
Scale: 3.75 Inch (Hasbro)
Figures: Admiral Motti (POTF CommTech), Darth Vader (TBS [P3]), Grand Moff Tarkin ( Death Star Briefing) (TSC), Death Star Trooper (30 13) (TAC)
Primary Visual Guide: Darth Vader (TBS [P3])


Title: The Ship’s All Yours.
Scale: 3.75 Inch (Hasbro)
Figures: Imperial Technician (Imperial Scanning Crew) (TVC), Luke Skywalker [Stormtrooper Disguise] (BD 30) (TLC), Imperial Technician – Death Star Scanning Crew (TVC)
Primary Visual Guides: Imperial Technician – Imperial Scanning Crew (TVC), Luke Skywalker [Stormtrooper Disguise] (BD 30) (TLC), Imperial Technician – Death Star Scanning Crew (TVC)


Title: Hey Down There! Could you give us a hand with this?
Scale: 3.75 Inch (Hasbro)
Figures: Stormtrooper TK-421 ( Imperial Scanning Crew) (TVC), Stormtrooper (Capture of Tantive IV) (TAC)
Vehicle: Millennium Falcon (The Legacy Collection)
Primary Visual Guide: Stormtrooper TK-421 – Imperial Scanning Crew (TVC)


Title: Bump!
Scale: 3.75 Inch (Hasbro)
Figures: Stormtrooper (BD46) x2 (Legacy Collection), Stormtrooper (#13) (TBS [P1])
Primary Visual Guide: Stormtrooper (BD46) (Legacy Collection)


Title: If You Strike Me Down
Scale: 3.75 Inch (Hasbro)
Figures: Obi-Wan Kenobi (Star Wars [The Last Jedi]), Darth Vader (#26) (TBS [P1])
Primary Visual Guide: Obi-Wan Kenobi (Star Wars [The Last Jedi])


Title: Good Luck Up There, Snips
3.75 Inch (Hasbro)
Figures: Ahsoka Tano (No. 9), Anakin Skykwalker (No. 1) (The Clone Wars [Blue]); Rebel Ground Crew x2 (Scramble On Yavin) (The Legacy Collection)
Vehicles: Y-Wing Bomber (The Clone Wars [Red])
Primary Visual Guides: Ahsoka Tano (No. 9), Anakin Skykwalker (No. 1) (The Clone Wars [Blue])


Scale: 3.75 Inch (Hasbro)
Figure: Pre Vizsla (CW08) (The Clone Wars [Shadow of the Dark Side])
Primary Visual Guide: Pre Vizsla (CW08) (The Clone Wars [Shadow of the Dark Side])


Title: Chopper Infiltrates Scarif Base…
Scale: 3.75 Inch (Disney), 3.75 Inch (Hasbro)
Figures: C1-10P “CHOPPER” (Droid Factory), Scarif Stormtrooper Squad Leader (The Black Series [Phase III]) x2
Playsets: Detention Block Rescue (POTF Red), Endor Attack (POTF Green)
Primary Visual Guide: C1-10P “CHOPPER” (Droid Factory)



Want to contribute? Read our submission guidelines HERE and send your photos to [email protected]

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