All of our individual retail store reports are anecdotal at best. From these experiences comes discussions so we can compare and contrast what others are seeing as well. But when it comes to the TARGET exclusive “Return Of The Jedi” three-pack, I have seen some interesting trends. In three of my local stores, this set has completely sold out. I haven’t witnessed an exclusive selling through this quickly since before The Force Awakens (and these are only 5POA figures). I can’t help but think that longtime collectors who grew up with the Original Trilogy are still a strong buying market when it comes to Hasbro toys. I constantly hear from those that think they know all about Hasbro’s stats that collectors are not a significant portion of the buying public for Star Wars toys, yet I am constantly reminded that the opposite of this is true with experiences like this. Again, in my local TARGET stores are seas of Rey (Jedi Training), Kylo Ren, Jyn Erso, Imperial AT-ACT Driver, Rogue One three-packs and a ton of Forces Of Destiny products. But the only Original Trilogy-focused set has sold through in three of my local stores. How can anything against this be argued? I think Hasbro needs to reevaluate their market. Hasbro, get more Original Trilogy stuff into stores and you’ll see sell through again like we did during the Golden Age of Collecting (2006-2012).