We here at JTA have done everything possible to “sell” Jabba’s Sail Barge (The Khetanna) to you. (Oh, don’t worry, we will still be obsessively posting about it.) We offered ideas like selling your children, going into debt for it (you should have see all of the sub-tweeting on that one), and offered suggestions on how to circumvent the America/Canada-only ordering option. We don’t know what else to do. All we know is that at midnight we start the last 30 days countdown for this gorgeous item, and all we feel is angst and panic, just like Homer Simpson felt when he got stuck on that airplane to do missionary work in a foreign land. We’re NOT even half way there yet. Even Bon Jovi was half-way there. Don’t keep livin’ on a prayer! PLEASE BACK THE BARGE!Save us Jebus!