Hasbro, this is a public service announcement from JTA. We want to ensure the health and longevity of the return of The Vintage Collection. As such, we’d like to emphasize how important it is that figures like Rey, First Order Stormtrooper, Kylo Ren and perhaps even Snoke, should probably not be carried forward into any other subsequent waves. Sorry for our premature panic, but we don’t want to write The Vintage Collection’s eulogy a second time as early as this Christmas. As a reminder, if you absolutely MUST repack figures, we have a huge list of generation 1 TVC figures in addition to figures from The Black Series [Phase I and Phase II], The Legacy Collection and Legacy Collection that would love to join the lineup and will be much more successful for the line’s longevity. Please let us know if we and other fan sites can help. Remember, by and large, the people buying The Vintage Collection line are Original Trilogy enthusiasts looking to complete the “Collect All 92!” figures as well as other OT-inspired characters that never received the chance to be placed in glory on Kenner-inspired card backs. Also, getting more of those original TVC figures out again will provide new stock for those jumping on this train for the first time. Thank you!