British etailer Dark Side Toys has suspended further sales of the Khetanna for now. Click through to read their statement!
Dark Side Toys posted the following news update on their Facebook page earlier today:
Hi everyone,
Just a quick note
We have temporarily suspended sales of the barge at the moment rest assured we are working our hardest to get this back up so just keep checking back for a update! All 101 orders that have been placed and processed and secured.
Thanks Dark Side Toys
So, all in all, only 101 Europeans made use of Dark Side Toys’ offer. It’s obvious that not many Europeans are willing to pay $862 for the barge. North American fans have to reach the 5,000 threshold without much outside help, as it seems. And Europeans are once more left with services like MyUS to try their luck, at least for now. This guarantees that only few people in Europe will back the barge. We’ll have to see when or if Dark Side Toys reopens their offer for the Khetanna.
Maybe Hasbro should finally announce what their plans for global availability for the Khetanna are.
If you are still interested in backing the barge in Europe it’s probably best to check Dark Side Toys’ website or Facebook page daily.
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