Han Solo (VC124) [Solo] - Hasbro - The Vintage Collection (2018)
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Becoming Solo Featurette

The following video appeared on the official You Tube Star Wars channel today. It’s a short behind the scenes featurette on the upcoming movie Solo: A Star Wars Story.
It has many new scenes that were not included in any of the trailers before and gives away some new details. Check it out and then click through for some screenshots!


There was a wealth of new scenes in the featurette and they reveal a few details about the characters. And as always, click the photos for the larger version.

Solo Featurette

Corellia by night

Solo Featurette

Corellia by day

Solo Featurette

Han decorates his speeder with his lucky dice

Solo Featurette

Han enjoys the view in what is probably Dryden Vos’ lair

Solo Featurette

Han as a mudtrooper in combat

Solo Featurette

Han with Moloch meets the White Worm gang

Solo Featurette

Han’s combat mission goes very wrong apparently

Solo Featurette

Han and Qi’Ra in the speeder

Solo Featurette

Imperial officer Tobias Beckett is in a good mood

Solo Featurette

Han, Tobias and Val as Imperial mudtroopers

So, all in all the behind the scenes featurette gives us a glimpse at what might happen early on in the movie. Han definitely enlists in the Imperial army and one of his missions in mudtrooper outfit doesn’t seem to go so well. There are explosions, people tossed through the air by the sheer force of the explosion and Han doesn’t seem to take it too well. Also, he meets his mentor Tobias in the army and Val is also a mudtrooper. A recent Topps card also revealed that Val would be a mudtrooper.

And we get a first glimpse at the White Worm Gang on Corellia. I suppose the alien rising from the water is the literal White Worm.

As it seems, the movie could be somewhat episodic, there will most certainly be some time jump after the early scenes on Corellia, following Han’s life as a Stormtrooper/Mudtrooper offworld and after that the train heist will be Han’s first big job as an outlaw after his time as an Imperial soldier.

So, how do you feel about the movie less than four weeks before release? Do you think it will surprise the fans and be a fun adventure buddy movie?

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