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National Today Asks "What Is Your Favorite SW Movie?" Fans Anwer "ESB!"

National Today, the website that commemorates quirky and fun holidays, polled US moviegoers about all things Star Wars for May 4th. It will put that Starwars.com poll into perspective! Click through for some of the representative results!

First up is the most important question: what is your most favorite Star Wars movie? And this is what the moviegoers answered:

  1. Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back (16.1%)
  2. Episode I – The Phantom Menace (15.7%)
  3. Episode VI – Return of the Jedi (13.8%)
  4. Episode III – Revenge of the Sith (11.6%)
  5. Episode IV – A New Hope (10.2%)
  6. Episode II – Attack of the Clones (9.1%)
  7. Episode VIII – The Last Jedi (9%)
  8. Rogue One (7.3%)
  9. Episode VII – The Force Awakens (7.2%)

TLJ is in 7th place, and the least favorite Star Wars movie is TFA, despite its record breaking US box office. TPM is in 2nd place and ANH only in 5th. But still, this list makes much more sense than the Starwars.com poll. Also, remember that not just Star Wars fans but all moviegoers were polled!


National Today also asked some specific questions about The Last Jedi which will please fans of the movie a bit more than its low ranking in the list above.

What are your thoughts on Rian Johnson’s role in Star Wars?

  • I like what he did with “The Last Jedi,” I am excited for his upcoming trilogy – 61%
  • I dislike what he did with “The Last Jedi,” I am worried about his upcoming trilogy – 16%
  • Who is Rian Johnson? 24%


What are your thoughts on Luke Skywalker’s storyline in “The Last Jedi”?

  • I thought the progression made sense and was a perfect ending for Luke –  76%
  • I am team #NotMyLuke – 24%

Remember, not just Star Wars fans were asked, but all moviegoers. And roughly a quarter of them don’t even know Rian Johnson. But almost 2/3 are excited about Johnson’s upcoming new trilogy. Also, 3/4 of all people liked Luke’s arc in TLJ.


Next up are some questions about Kylo Ren, the main villain in the sequel trilogy.

What are your thoughts on Kylo Ren as a villain?

  • He is the best Star Wars villain – 20%
  • I like his emotional complexity, he is one of my favorite Star Wars villains – 38%
  • Sometimes he annoys me, but he has redeeming moments – 31%
  • I dislike his emotional swings, he is one of my least favorite Star Wars villains – 7%
  • He is the worst Star Wars villain – 4%

Do you think Kylo Ren is hot?

  • Yes, break me off some #BenSwolo – 25%
  • I think he’s cute – 35%
  • No – 40%

So, Kylo Ren, overall, is liked by a majority of moviegoers, 42% have issues with him. And: shirtless Kylo with his 8-pack is something 60% of the moviegoers find agreeable.


National Today also wanted to know what the next stand alone movie should be about, what Star Wars character should be featured in it.

  • 28% want a Yoda movie
  • 20% want a movie with Obi-Wan Kenobi
  • 18% voted for Darth Vader

A poll conducted in Germany a year ago also found that Yoda is the most popular Star Wars character.


And what about Solo: A Star Wars Story? What do people think about Alden Ehrenreich replacing Harrison Ford?

While 13% of Americans believe there is only one Han and that is Harrison Ford, a surprising 65% believe actor Alden Ehrenreich will get the job done at portraying Han Solo.
So 2/3 of the moviegoers polled think Alden Ehrenreich can do it.

Check out National Today, who kindly provided us with the data for this poll!



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