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Early Box Office Trend For Solo

While the Memorial Day Weekend still lies ahead, there are already some early numbers for the Thursday screenings of Solo: A Star Wars Story. And they are the lowest numbers for a Disney Star Wars movie yet. Click through for details!

Update: Disney lowers box office prediction for Solo!

Solo A Star Wars Story


According to Forbes the numbers for the Thursday screenings are the lowest for a Disney Star Wars movie. Solo made $14.1 million. For comparison: Rogue One made $29 million, The Last Jedi made $45 million and The Force Awakens made $57 million on their Thursday previews.

Now, Solo opens in May, not December, so it remains to be seen how the numbers actually compare. We will know more in a few days. As things are now, based on the numbers a Disney Star Wars movie typically makes, Solo could end up with an opening 4-day weekend box office as low as $77 million – always provided it performs similar to the other Star Wars movies, which were, more or less, heavily frontloaded. Maybe Solo will be much less frontloaded and have longer legs instead. If Solo only made $77 million on the first weekend it could be the first true disappointment, or maybe even flop, for Lucasfilm. But this is all speculation for now and things will be much clearer come Sunday or Monday.

And it may be of surprise to exactly no one, but Solo already bombed in China and will be yet another flop over there. China and Star Wars – it’s a lost cause, probably.

It would be a shame if Solo fell victim to the TLJ fan backlash. The movie, while not earth-shattering, is a fun two hours that many Star Wars fans and moviegoers in general should find very enjoyable.

Update: Bloomberg reports that Disney has lowered its box office projection for Solo considerably. Disney said in an email the company sent on Friday that they now predict a $105-$115 million box office for North America for the full 4-day weekend. Earlier box office predictions were almost 50% higher than that. That’s Justice League territory and the movie ended up making $229 million domestic. It remains to be seen if word of mouth will encourage more people to go and see Solo.

Read more about the box office for Solo in the Forbes article!

Read the Bloomberg article about Disney’s own box office projection!

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