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Rank The Star Wars Movies, Now With Solo!

Solo has been in theaters for some weeks now, time for a fun JTA survey where you can rank all the live action Star Wars movies! Click through to post your list!

Before you post your lists a few quick rules:

  • please include live action movies only, that means no Clone Wars movie, no TV movies, no Holiday Special
  • please award points for each of the movie ranging from 0 to 10, you may also award half points. Several movies can have the same number of points
  • please only post your list, no further discussion please, there will be  a follow-up article on the weekend or Monday at the latest where I will present the overall results, we can discuss things then
  • any live action movie that you won’t include on your list will be awarded o points by me when I count all the points

To give you an example of how your list should look like, here’s my ranking:

  1. A New Hope – 10 points
  2. The Empire Strikes Back – 9.5 points
  3. Revenge of the Sith – 9 points
  4. Return of the Jedi – 8.5 points
  5. Attack of the Clones – 8 points
  6. Rogue One – 7.5 points
  7. Solo – 7.5 points
  8. The Phantom Menace – 6.5 points
  9. The Force Awakens – 4 points
  10. The Last Jedi – 2 points

That’s it!

Have fun posting you list! And please remember, only post the list. We can discuss everything once I present the results in the follow-up article!

Update: should anyone not award any points at all, and just post a list, each movie will get points according to its rank, that is number 1 gets 10 points, number 10 gets 1 point. But please, try to award points!


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