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Your Most Favorite Lightsaber Duel - The Results!

The JTA readers have voted for their most favorite Star Wars lightsaber duel. The results are in and for a good while it was a close call. But in the end one duel won. Click through for the results and learn what the most popular lightsaber duel is!

Star Wars lightsaber duel

Luke vs training remote, probably Luke’s favorite duel



I counted all the votes, the results are in. The procedure was as follows: first place gave 3 points, 2nd place gave 2 points and 3rd place gave 1 point. I added all the points and the duel with the most points was the winner! If two duels had the same number of points then the one with the highest number of either 1st or 2nd places won.

So let’s begin!

13th place – 2 points: Obi-Wan vs General Grievous in Revenge of the Sith

Star Wars lightsaber duel

Who cares, it was uncivilized anyway!

Not too many people care for this duel. But it has two 3rd places overall. Which made sure that every duel got at least one vote.


12th place – 2 points: Obi-Wan & Anakin vs Count Dooku in Attack of the Clones

Star Wars lightsaber duel

That’s no pudding for you for the next three months, young man!

This duel only had one 2nd place, but that was enough not to be in last place and it also prevented this duel from not getting any points at all.


11th place – 4 points: Obi-Wan & Anakin vs Count Dooku in Revenge of the Sith

Star Wars lightsaber duel

I, Saruman the Wise, have not won this contest? What is this travesty?

This duel has one 1st place and one 3rd place. Good enough to outrank the previous encounter between the three.


10th place – 7 points: Yoda vs Count Dooku in Attack of the Clones

Star Wars lightsaber duel

Not won I have? But try so hard I did!

Yoda’s dynamic fight scored one 1st place and four 3rd places, this makes it the most popular of the three duels with Dooku.


9th place – 8 points: Mace Windu vs Palpatine in Revenge of the Sith

Star Wars lightsaber duel

Only 9th place? You motherbleepers!

Mace’s somewhat unfortunate encounter with Palpatine had three 2nd places and two 3rd places.


8th place – 9 points: Luke Skywalker (kind of) vs Kylo Ren

Star Wars lightsaber duel

I can see dead people!!!

Luke’s lesson in practical jokes for advanced students was good for 8th place, but still far behind the real popular duels. This duel has one 1st place, one 2nd place and four 3rd places.


7th place – 12 points: Yoda vs Palpatine in Revenge of the Sith

Star Wars lightsaber duel

Time to go it is!

Yoda’s gymnastic session with Palpatine has one 1st place, three 2nd places and three 3rd places.


6th place – 14 points: Rey (with Finn) vs Kylo Ren in The Force Awakens

Star Wars lightsaber duel

I didn’t win? But I am a woman! You’re all misogynists, you toxic manbabies!

Rey will see better days, I’m sure! This duel had no 1st place at all, but three 2nd places and eight 3rd places.


5th place – 14 points: Obi-Wan vs Darth Vader in A New Hope

Star Wars lightsaber duel

I have an appointment, so I really have to go now, Ani!

Even though this duel has the same number of points as Rey’s encounter with Kylo, Obi-Wan and Vader had one 1st place, which made all the difference. It also has four second places and three 3rd places.


4th place – 107 points: Obi-Wan vs Darth Vader in Revenge of the Sith

Star Wars lightsaber duel

Why did I not win? I hate you all!!!

For a while this duel was very close to 3rd place overall, but in the end it was only good enough for 4th place. But still, it’s miles ahead of all the previous duels on the list and is one of the four greatest Star Wars lightsaber duels. It has nineteen 1st places, twenty 2nd places and ten 3rd places.


3rd place – 113 points: Luke vs Darth Vader in The Empire Strikes Back

Star Wars lightsaber duels

Only 3rd place? No! That’s not true! That’s impossible!

For a while the ESB duel could have lost to the duel of Obi-Wan and Darth Vader on Mustafar, but more 1st places made sure that Luke and Vader stayed ahead of the other duel. This duel has twentythree 1st places, thirteen 2nd places and eighteen 3rd places.


2nd place – 131 points: Qui-Gon & Obi-Wan vs Darth Maul

Star Wars lightsaber duel

That moment you realize your forgot to pay your health insurance premium

For a while the Duel of the Fates had a chance at winning, but the one remaining duel in this list took the victory on the home stretch. The duel has eighteen 1st places, twentynine 2nd places and nineteen 3rd places.


Before I proceed to the 1st place a dishonorable mention goes to the Preatorian fight that some people voted for, even though it was stated in the rules that it does not qualify as a duel between two or three people wielding a lightsaber. It’s a fight against faceless henchmen with axes and blades.

Snoke is dead

Darth Maul got better too…

Maybe I should have included that fight, but then I should also have included Luke’s fight against the training remote and about 234 fights on Geonosis where the Jedi fought battle droids. 😉


1st place – 142 points: Luke vs Darth Vader in Return of the Jedi

Star Wars lightsaber duel

I didn’t mean it when I said I hated you all, I love all of you!

So here it is, the duel of all duels, your most favorite and the most popular Star Wars lightsaber duel. Luke against his fallen father on the Death Star II. This duel has thirtytwo 1st places, sixteen 2nd places and fourteen 3rd places. It is the ultimate redemption of Anakin Skywalker. And a fitting end to a saga. Wait… what? There are sequels? And it all meant nothing? Get outa here, you gotta be kidding me!!!


I hope you enjoyed this poll, it was fun and don’t take things too seriously 🙂 So, what do you think? Are there any surprises? Is the ROTJ duel the deserving winner? I believe that the emotional impact of that duel is unsurpassed. What it lacks in artistry it makes up for in emotions.

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