This past weekend a realization wouldn’t leave my mind. So, I wanted to address it with you. I was wondering, if Hasbro turned 2019 into a year that directly mimicked the Golden Age of Collecting (any time in between 2006 and 2012), would it reinvigorate your passion for the brand again?

Let’s be honest. When it comes to super-articulated 3.75” action figures, Hasbro has been treading water. Sure, the announcement of Yak Face and Klaatu (Skiff Guard Outfit) are HUGE victories for 3.75” super-articulated Star Wars collectors. But since that time we have only been made aware of a handful of all-new figures. If Hasbro doesn’t keep our attention, we lose interest and find something else to occupy our time. I have lost track of the number of collectors that have wholly walked away at this point. I have also had personal discussions with close friends, and our investment in the Star Wars brand is dissipating. While it’s terrific to get a huge announcement like Jabba’s Sail Barge (and let’s not forget how hard we had to worked to get that one), there isn’t enough sensory overload stimulation to keep that energy alive and burning. Imagine a time when you could attend Toy Fair and see five to six waves of all-new figures announced and then that summer and fall find them at retail with little to no issue at all. (Hey, we had to resort to online sometimes back then too, but it was rare.) Now, exclusives don’t make it to retail on time anymore. Anyway, let us know in the comments if we went back in time to constant product arrivals if it would reignite your energy as a full-fledged Star Wars collector again.