Princess Leia (Jabba's Slave) (#05) - Hasbro - The Black Series [Phase I] (2013)
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Unpopular Opinion: Everything is Fine Here, How Are You?

Much doom and gloom has been spilled in the last few days it seems. It’s sad to hear of people leaving the hobby because they couldn’t find a figure at the store. They have their reasons, but I have to ask myself, “Is it really all that bad?” There are several reasons why I don’t think things are as bad as some of the more pessimistic views make it sound. Here’s what I mean…


Yes, not being able to find figures in the store is a pain. But is it really a reason to stop collecting figures altogether? It’s only the first shipment, just wait a minute! For a completist, the struggle is real, but do you love being a completist or do you just like Star Wars? Is your focus on being a collector or on collecting toys you like?

Consider this: Hasbro is really doing well. 

  • TVC is back
  • They made a 6″ Gamorrean Guard
  • That figure actually made it to the store… Unlike some other exclusives recently
  • The Barge was backed
  • SDCC revealed that they will be fixing distribution, making more new figures, and making some smart choices for repacks
  • Steve Evans has personally involved collectors through Instagram. How many other department heads of major corporations do that?
  • Exclusives are a good thing. Hasbro most likely gets a good deal with retailers for exclusive figures and that is good for you and me because it will keep things going.

No, things are not perfect, but they are much better than they were 3 years ago, and they seem to be getting better not worse. Why jump ship now? I’m not pleading people to stay; if you don’t want to, that’s fine, but the point of the hobby is to have fun. The point of any hobby is to have fun. We get to have fun, AND provide feedback for Hasbro. That’s a pretty good deal.

Personally, I feel the main issues that need addressed still are distribution – especially with Walmart. Where’s Rey and the Mimban Trooper and why do figures start out on clearance?

Also, looking at some of the upcoming waves of 6″ figures compared to 3.75″ it honestly feels like like the 6″ waves have much better picks (Fleet Trooper, Patrol Trooper, Padme, Battle Droid, Ezra and Chopper), but 3.75″ is getting a lot of repacked OT characters and the next wave is a bunch of ST repacks again. We already have a lot of the figures that will be new to six-ers, but what can we do to get more new figures in 3.75″ from new movies with an adult focus (cloud riders, Krennic, anything from Rogue One…)?


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