Alright, here we go, folks! With EXTRA SPECIAL thanks to friend and JTA reader Logan, we’re able to provide you an exclusive look at the interior and exterior of the Disney Droid Factory Sandcrawler Playset. This thing is beyond impressive. It comes loaded with lights and sounds (video forthcoming) and has INCREDIBLE sculpting within its four walls that has completely blown us away. The detail is overwhelming and has plenty of room for a hoard of droids. This is going to be a hot item for 3.75″ collectors. Disney went above and beyond here. We should count ourselves very, very lucky! By the way, measurements are 20″ long, 9.75″ wide in the front and 9″ wide in the back.
UPDATE: The Sandcrawler’s full features include: retractable claw, opening light-up cockpit, motion activated sound, lights, sound effects, trap door, motorized elevator, light-up furnace.
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