Back in March, we provided you with a guide on the best way to fill your Jabba’s Sail Barge when it arrives early next year. If you have done your part to #backthebarge, we thought we’d provide something to you that many requested to us. We did some homework and compiled a list of characters you’ll need (that have been produced by Hasbro as an action figure already) that you’ll need with your Sail Barge. So we now wnat to know. How is it going? Are you almost caught up? How many more do you need? Click through to see a comprehensive list of existing Hasbro 3.75″ action figures required to effectively populate Jabba’s Sail Barge (The Khetanna) when it arrives. Some of these figures cost nearly as much as the #backthebarge does! (more….)
3.75-inch Action Figures 3.75-inch Super-Articulated Affiliate Advertising Battle Of Carkoon eBay Jabba's Sail Barge (The Khetanna) The Vintage Collection
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