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JTA Presents: Evolutions - Tessek

Welcome to another one of our JTA Presents: Evolutions features! Let’s check out how close or far we are from having an ideal Hasbro 3.75″ Tessek action figure. Have we arrived at definitive status yet? Weigh in and let us know what conclusion you’ll come to by clicking through and adding your two cents in the comments!



Tessek is the first Quarren character introduced into the Star Wars saga. And his appearance in Star Wars Episode VI: Return Of The Jedi left an indelible mark on the minds of young Star Wars fans that one special May day in 1983. After the vintage Kenner figure, Hasbro produced one single modern update to the character. Thankfully, they made a relative gem out of the figure, but most collectors want to know when they’re going to give us our definitive version.


Squid Head from 1983’s Return Of The Jedi line.


1983’s Return Of The Jedi Squid Head figure is a classic. And it’s a classic in more ways than one. It’s remarkable what Kenner managed to accomplish with such little technology in the 80s. But between the layered look of his soft-goods, a widened belt, and a cool gray Bespin blaster, Squid Head is an action figure that we’ll all remember until we die. For 1983, Kenner replicated the details of this character rather excellently. And he still holds up well today.


Tessek from 2001’s Power Of The Jedi line.


Collectors began to panic after The Power Of The Force “2” line died and we were still without many important aliens from Jabba’s palace (in addition to the cantina in Star Wars). But after they got the momentum going with the Power Of The Jedi line, Hasbro managed to squeeze in the first modern version of Tessek into the basic figure line. The sculpt is stunning, even by today’s standards, but the figure lacks much-needed articulation to make it definitive. Collectors are wishing and hoping that he’s on Hasbro’s radar for The Vintage Collection.

Help our friend Gerald Home, the man who played Tessek in Return Of The Jedi, get his long-awaited definitive Tessek action figure! Let Hasbro know your desire for this figure in the comments below!


Tessek Group Shot


Questions for discussion:

1. In your opinion, do we have a definitive version of this figure?

2. If we don’t have a definitive version of this figure, should Hasbro tool a new figure from the ground up again, or should they tweak a current sculpt to perfect it instead?

3. If the figure ranks as definitive for you, do you want to see it repackaged in vintage Kenner packaging (The Vintage Collection) if it isn’t already?

4. Add any other points of note or interest in the comments about any of these versions of Tessek action figures.

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