Behind the scenes, I calculate various statistics on what happens here on our site, just for curiosity. And I have to say you all impressed me. We had unprecedented first-day unique visits for The Vintage Collection wave 20. It seems all the hobby needs is a strong wave of Original Trilogy characters to get everyone excited again. Anyway, thank you for the astounding traffic, and we hope you keep checking back as we add more figures to this fantastic collection. If you missed checking out our larger-than-usual galleries of Saelt-Marae, Klaatu (Skiff Guard), Princess Leia Organa (Boushh) and Scarif Stormtrooper, please be sure to check them out!
Research Droids Reviews News and Updates
3.75-inch Super-Articulated Bounty Hunter Galactic Empire Klaatu (Skiff Guard) Princess Leia Organa (Boushh) Rebel Alliance Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Saelt-Marae Scarif Stormtrooper Star Wars Episode VI: Return Of The Jedi The Vintage Collection Yarkora
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