It was announced a while ago that visitors of Disney’s all new Galaxy’s Edge Star Wars attraction would be able to buy “in-universe” merchandise. Now an article on gives us a first look at this merchandise. You’ll be able to buy clothing (Jedi robes, as well as First Order and Resistance outfits), custom made lightsabers, Holocrons, Jedi and Sith artifacts, plush creatures or “artisan style” plush toys of various famous Star Wars characters plus a few other things such as musical instruments. Of special interest to JTA readers will probably be that you can also buy your own custom made BB or R-unit droid (which sounds like Disney’s build-a-droid). What seems to be missing, at least it was not mentioned or shown in the article, are Imperial outfits or more old-fashioned Rebels outfits. While the various toys and artifacts seem to span all movies and eras, most of the clothing you can buy (other than the Jedi robes) appears to be focused on the new entertainment. Check out more photos of the merchandise over on!
UPDATE: Please check out the new Galaxy’s Edge article on io9 for all the details you will ever need to know! Basically all the questions you still have will be answered! Including what the droids you can build will be: they will be fully radio controlled, so probably at least the size of a Sphero. And the droid, when you control it through Batuu, will even interact with various things you will encounter along the way. A Disney spokesperson also explains why Batuu (and not some established planet) was chosen and how Galaxy’s Edge can change with any new movies and shows.

Some of the merchandise you can buy at Galaxy’s Edge