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JTA Presents: Evolutions - Garindan

Welcome to another one of our JTA Presents: Evolutions features! Let’s check out how close or far we are from having an ideal Hasbro 3.75″ Garindan action figure. Have we arrived at definitive status yet? Weigh in and let us know what conclusion you’ll come to by clicking through and adding your two cents in the comments!



Who didn’t adore the Imperial Spy running through the streets of Mos Eisley, ratting out the location of Luke Skywalker and company? He’s the one responsible for leading the Galactic Empire to Docking Bay 94 and showing us the first shoot-out in a Star Wars film. Garindan is of the Kubaz species, and not too much is known about them. Often described by his physical trait, you might hear some Star Wars fan refer to him a “Long Snoot” for obvious reasons. Also frequently misidentified as a cantina patron, we only see him outside of the drinking hole. Looking very much like a member of the Imperial Navy, Long Snoot has long been revered by Original Trilogy Star Wars fans.


Garindan [Long Snoot] from 1997’s The Power Of The Force “2” [Green/Freeze Frame] line.


The very first Garindan action figure came as a surprise in 1997’s The Power Of The Force “2” [Green/Freeze Frame] line. Simply articulated but nicely designed with a considerable amount of detail, longtime Star Wars fans grew eager to add him into their growing collections of modern Star Wars toys. Sadly, the figure came with a permanently molded communicator in his right hand. And collectors also became disappointed with this inhibiting cloak. It was challenging to articulate his arms because of its drape and design. So we all looked forward to another update soon after this figure’s release.


Garindan from 2006’s The Saga Collection line.


The Saga Collection was the first hardcore collector-focused line of the modern era. And Hasbro proved themselves to collectors early on that they were committed to them. The Saga Collection introduced some of their best past sculpts, enhanced figures thanks to retooling and repainting, and all-new stunning sculpts like Garindan. Were it not for the figure’s swivel articulation in the elbows and boots; the figure would easily rank as definitive. It possesses an excellent sculpt, and comes with a wealth of accessories (included a separate commlink accessory) in addition to well-fitted soft-goods. An all-new third attempt would be appreciated by all collectors too.


Garindan Group Shot


Questions for discussion:

1. In your opinion, do we have a definitive version of this figure?

2. If we don’t have a definitive version of this figure, should Hasbro tool a new figure from the ground up again, or should they tweak a current sculpt to perfect it instead?

3. If the figure ranks as definitive for you, do you want to see it repackaged in vintage Kenner packaging (The Vintage Collection) if it isn’t already?

4. Add any other points of note or interest in the comments about any of these versions of Garindan action figures.

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