Willrow Hood (BD53) - Hasbro - Legacy Collection (2009)
Star Wars Collectible News, Photos, and Reviews

Why Is There So Much Bellyaching About Sail Barge Resellers?

The dust has mostly settled with Jabba’s Sail Barge (The Khetanna). Those who received damaged product are set to receive a replacement. Orders are placed for missing parts. And Hasbro is organizing all the damage to Yak Face to see what can be done with those issues. But one thing I cannot understand is some people criticizing those who are selling their “extras” for profit. The criticism is beginning to boil over now. (more….)

I will go to my grave asserting that reselling Jabba’s Sail Barge (The Khetanna) vehicles on eBay is something that everyone is entitled to do. Every single Star Wars collector had the same open window during the HasLab campaign to order as many of these as he or she wished. So why are some (many?) people criticizing and complaining about other collectors doing this? If everyone took advantage of this HasLab campaign, there would be so many on eBay right now that the market would be flooded with them.

We live in a free capitalist market. I don’t think it’s a moral issue to resell something that is never being produced again. I don’t think it’s a character flaw to want to help pay for your first barge with your second barge. To me, that’s common sense. Everyone had the chance to grab as many of these things he/she wanted. So why do you complain now when all is said and done?

Are you mad that you can’t get these on eBay for less than what Hasbro sold them for? Are you generally just frustrated that you don’t have the means to plop down this kind of money on a luxury novelty item? It’s OK if this isn’t in your budget. It doesn’t make you less of a collector. These were not intended for everyone. It’s a niche release, and the only way we would ever get the chance to buy this thing is through HasLab.

The only collectors that I feel should have a license to feel aggravated are international collectors, who are sweating dividing up the remaining 1800+ units. And who knows if Hasbro is tapping into those to correct shipping issues for USA and Canada collectors. That would concern me if I were in their shoes.

In conclusion, please be happy for your fellow collectors.

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