If you think that the updated “photorealistic” technology is the only thing that sets apart the 2019 version of Han Solo (Echo Base [Echo Base Outfit]) (VC03) from the original 2010 release, you’re in for some surprises. Almost a full decade sets the figures apart from each other, and there is more you need to know.
Han Solo (Echo Base [Echo Base Outfit]) (VC03) is another popular review in our RDRs. We’ve spent hours updating the Photo Gallery (which now sports 64 images and a wealth of comparison shots), updating text and new Editor’s and Collector Notes and now Packaging Variations! These reviews are updated to educate you on all the newness this figure brings to the table. Click the image below for the full experience! Make sure you’re aware of all of the changes!
Research Droids Reviews News and Updates
3.75-inch Super-Articulated Battle Of Hoth Echo Base Han Solo (Echo Base Outfit) Han Solo (Echo Base) Hasbro Kenner Rebel Alliance The Vintage Collection
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