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Mark Hamill Believes Star Wars Fatigue May Be Real

Mark Hamill was a guest on the Hollywood Reporter’s Awards Chatter podcast the other day and during the podcast he shared his thoughts about the current state of the Star Wars franchise. When asked if audiences may be tiring of Star Wars, this is what he replied:

“Yes,” Hamill said. “I’m not gonna tell them how to run their business, but is there a possibility of ‘Star Wars fatigue’? Yeah, I think there is. I’ve experienced it, to a certain degree. But they never listen to my ideas anyway, so who needs ’em?”

Perhaps Mark’s opinion on the current state of the franchise should worry Disney? Also, you cannot help but always feel a certain level of disappointment in Mark Hamill’s words when he speaks about Star Wars these days. And you can’t shake off the felling that Mark is not entirely convinced Disney is doing the right thing with Star Wars. So, what do you think? Is there Star Wars fatigue? I am not entirely sure there is, I think Star Wars merely needs fresh ideas, all new characters and movies that are not beholden to the OT era so much with rehashed ideas and nostalgia. Star Wars needs to move forward. Leave your thoughts in the comments!

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