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The Rise of Skywalker! Episode IX Has A Title And A Teaser!

Let the hype begin! As expected we finally got the title of Episode IX earlier today when the Episode IX panel was held at Star Wars Celebration in Chicago! And on top of that we also got the very first teaser trailer. Click through for screenshots and a quick discussion of the trailer!

The Rise of Skywalker

Rise, Lord Vader! 😀

Ok, so earlier today we finally got the first teaser trailer for Episode IX! In true JJ Abrams fashion it told us nothing about the actual story of the movie. But we did get glimpses of some very interesting things!

So let’s look at the most important scenes from the trailer!

Rey meets Kylo

The meet cute of Episode IX

Rey and Kylo seem to have a date on some desert planet. And both are making quite the entrance. I would guess and say that this scene might happen quite early on in the movie? What we also saw in that scene is that Rey repaired the lightsaber and the blade looks just like it did before.

Episode IX teaser scene

A new planet?

A small ship flies over mountainous terrain and then we glimpse this city. A new planet probably?

Kylo cuts down an enemy

Kylo cuts down an enemy

Now, the question is, who exactly is Kylo slicing in half here? Some resistance fighter? The outfit does look odd for a resistance fighter. Coiuld it be a Knight of Ren? But why?

Kylo's helmet is repaired

Kylo’s helmet is repaired

Next up we see how someone with furry hands repairs Kylo’s helmet. Kylo is obviously all about delegating these mundane tasks to his underlings. And here I thought he would glue the helmet together all by himself.

Meet BB-8 and his sidekick

Meet BB-8 and his sidekick

How cute!

Lando has the time of his life

Lando finally flies the Falcon again

Lando and Chewbacca pilot the Falcon. And Lando seems to have a very good time!

Poe, Finn and C-3PO on a skiff

Poe, Finn and C-3PO on a skiff

Who wants Episode IX skiff toys now? This could be the same planet that we saw at the beginning when Rey meets Kylo.

The medal

Leia holds the medal from A New Hope? Maybe Han’s?

This is obviously Leia, who is holding the medal we last saw in A New Hope. Is it Han’s?

Leia hugs Rey

Leia meets Rey and hugs her. Who wouldn’t want to hug Rey?

This is probably not a flashback, because Rey wears the same clothes as in the beginning of the trailer. I wonder how much CGI is involved here.

The team is united

The team is united with one notable absence: where is R2?

I wonder where R2-D2 is, actually we didn’t see him once in the trailer. Also absent: Rose. She was not glimpsed even once. But she was on stage at Celebration, as was R2.

The Death Star wreck

The Death Star wreck

The final question of the trailer is: which Death Star is it? Some people say it must be the Death Star II on Endor and that it’s probably not the Death Star Wreckage on Yavin.

And then, in the very last moments of the trailer… we hear cackling laughter in the background, a presence we haven’t felt in decades. Yes, it was the Emperor himself! Palpatine is back!

So, what are your thoughts after the teaser?

I am excited actually, I know it’s silly somewhat, following the endless discussions about The Last Jedi, but whenever a new trailer hits I feel that excitement. I really hope that IX will be the grand finale. Bringing back Palpatine as the big bad behind the scenes might work, because, let’s be honest, Kylo never was big bad material, he’s the conflicted villain / anti-hero.

And the final question: which Skywalker will rise? Kylo has Skywalker blood in him. Leia is a Skywalker as well. Or is Rey a Skywalker after all?

Speculate away in the comments!

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