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A First Look At The Mandalorian!

The Mandalorian panel just closed a few minutes ago. Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni talked about the show and revealed a few details. Also on the panel were the three main characters Pedro Pascal, Gina Carano and Carl Weathers. And while not very much was revealed, almost nothing about the actual story, we did learn a few things! A sizzle reel was also shown, however, the YouTube stream faded to back when the footage was shown. But several Bothan spies were able to smuggle out the footage and we will show you some screenshots of the revealed footage! So click through for a look at The Mandalorian!

Mandalorian Crew

The 501st was asked to portray Stormtroopers on set – click for the much larger version

Kathleen Kennedy introduced Jon Farveau and Dave Filoni to the audience. And before she left the stage she made this very interesting remark about Dave Filoni: “What could be more exciting than Dave Filoni directing live action?” Make of that what you will… I think it means Dave will get his feature film eventually.

But then Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni took over, and they welcomed Pedro Pascal, Gina Carano and Carl Weathers onto the stage. Not much was actually revealed about the show. Cara will portray an ex Shocktrooper who has some trouble integrating into her new life and Carl Weathers will be something like the chief of the bounty hunter guild who tasks the Mandalorian with an important job.

We did learn that the Mandalorian’s ship is part practical effect, while a CGI model exists, the team also decided to make a model. And once word got out that they would make a model then ILM decided to give it a go and create a motion control rig. So some of the scenes with the Razor Crest (the name of the ship) will be old-school practical effect work.
Jon Favreau remarked that having these practical effects, puppets, animatronics etc was important to them.

Motion control rig for the Razor Crest

Motion control rig for the Razor Crest, click for larger version

And then a sizzle / behind the scenes reel was shown to the audience. However the livestream faded to black because it’s all top secret.

Anyway, we do have screenshots of the video, so let’s proceed! Forgive the potato cam quality, should I get better photos I might upload them instead.

The Mandalorian

The Mandalorian

The Mandalorian enters the bar

The Mandalorian enters the bar

The Razor Crest on landing approach

The Razor Crest on landing approach

The set of the Mandalorian

The set of the Mandalorian

IG-88 (?)

IG-88 (?)

An unnamed character on the show

An unnamed character on the show

The Empire is not all dead yet

The Empire is not all dead yet apparently

Pedro Pascal on set

Pedro Pascal on set

A space station

A space station

Concept art for the Mandalorian

Someone likes the Holiday Special

Aliens go into battle

Aliens go into battle

So this was a very first look at what we are about to get in The Mandalorian.

Jon Favreau said this about the show: he brought in elements from the Original Trilogy, the Prequel Trilogy and even from Legends / the EU. He wants to bring all the fans together.

I do say I have a lot of faith in Jon Favreau and the team he assembled. The Mandalorian will debut in November on Disney+

So, what do you think? Do you like what you see? What are your expectations? Leave your thoughts in the comments!

I will update this article with more photos once somewhat high quality footage of the additional scenes shown during the panel will be available!

So, here are screenshots from additional footage, unfortunately it’s very low quality, but it’s better than nothing, right?

Love at first sight

Love at first sight… The Mandalorian meets Gina Carano’s character “Grieve Carga” (spelling may be wrong)

Giancarlo Esposito

Giancarlo Esposito with what looks like Death Troopers?

Enter the Flame Trooper

Enter the Incinerator Trooper

And he flames

And he incinerates like a pro

Feels like home

A cantina… – feels like home


Twi’Lek! (A Rodian was also seen, as well as a Devaronian)



When two blasters are not enough

When two blasters are not enough

Droid co-pilot on the Razor Crest?

Droid co-pilot on the Razor Crest?

IG-88 (or his cousin) decimates the local population

IG-88 (or his cousin) decimates the local population

Werner Herzog

Werner Herzog as a shady Imperial

Giancarlo Esposito flies a TIE Fighter

Giancarlo Esposito flies a TIE Fighter

That Stormtrooper will soon have a headache

That Stormtrooper will soon have a headache

The Mandalorian means business

The Mandalorian means business

All I can say is: November can’t come soon enough and I need at least 50 action figures from the show!

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