I didn’t pick up on this detail immediately. I read the news post but didn’t “absorb” it entirely which led to my double-take. Perhaps this is a “nothing burger,” but I still found it interesting. Sarah Carroll, Brand Marketing Manager of Star Wars (Hasbro) and Sam Smith, Design Manager (Hasbro) will be joined by members of Lucasfilm at the Hasbro Star Wars panel this year. It will be the first Hasbro presentation (that I can recall) that has Lucasfilm employees present. Could the format of this presentation have changed to help address the new changes in the line, or is the indeed something more here? This post is 100% speculation and nothing more. But let us know your thoughts.
Hasbro Star Wars
Friday, July 19, 2019
2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Room 7AB
Members of the Hasbro and Lucasfilm team discuss the popular Hasbro Star Wars line. Attendees will get an in-depth look at Hasbro’s latest action figure offerings. Word on the Holonet is there may also be a few surprises. Panelists: Sarah Carroll and Sam Smith.
(Editor’s Note – Seemingly missing from the presentation for this event: Vickie Stratford Director of Product Design for Hasbro Star Wars)
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