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Sith Trooper Costume Displayed At SDCC

The Sith Trooper action figure was revealed a while ago, now the actual costume was also displayed at SDCC, the official Star Wars site has the story. Click the photo below for a good look at the all new trooper variant created for The Rise of Skywalker! You can also see what seems to be their new standard weapon. Overall, the Sith Trooper seems to be a nice blend of various trooper elements from across the trilogies, they certainly look better than the standard white First Order Stormtroopers first introduced in The Force Awakens.
There was also a sign (which has apparently been removed) with a short description of who the Sith Troopers are with following inscription:

In its ultimate push towards galactic conquest, the First Order readies an army of elite soldiers that draw inspiration and power from a dark and ancient legacy.

So the idea that the Sith Troopers may be Palpatine’s personal army is probably debunked by this. But as usual, we know almost nothing and have to wait until the movie is released. It’s doubtful JJ Abrams or Lucasfilm will tell us a lot more about Sith Troopers before the release date.

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