Later today there will be this year’s SDCC Hasbro panel. Before we discuss what has actually been revealed, I would like to give us all one last opportunity to talk about what we would like to see. So what are your expectations? What is it you wish will be revealed? What is it you think will actually be revealed? Do you feel any excitement at all? Maybe Hasbro will have a nice surprise for collectors, this can never be ruled out. One thing is certain though: the various “new” figures in the dioramas which made the rounds yesterday are merely custom figures, that means no Bib Fortuna or Rancor or any of the droids will be revealed, so whatever it is Hasbro will unveil, it will either confirm rumors we already know or they may actually have a few surprises in store no one knows about yet. So what else do you think Hasbro may have for us?