OK, let’s play a game. This is fantasy, not a subliminal message of what’s coming. Many collectors were ecstatic over the possibility of a 6″ scaled Rancor when they saw it in Hasbro’s diorama during SDCC? People disagree with me, but I could have sworn the Rancor featured was a styrofoam maquette. Others claim it was an articulated “prototype.” I still think it was made out of styrofoam. Anyway, let’s say that Hasbro felt they wanted to make a 6″ Rancor, but they also felt it wouldn’t make sense as a general or exclusive retail released item. Let’s pretend that Hasbro decided to offer it through HasLab. To be fair, let’s use the same target of 8K backers (since Jabba’s Sail Barge reached that amount). What would you be willing to pay to back this thing via HasLab? Something tells me if it was HasLab item, it would be hundreds of dollars, not less. Regardless, if you’re a 6″ collector, what would deem the most to back this item via HasLab?