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Galaxy's Edge Was Originally Meant To Have An Original Trilogy Theme

Now this is somewhat of a surprise. Former Disney Imagineer J Daniel Jenkins was interviewed for the Dreamfinders podcast and revealed that Galaxy’s Edge was originally supposed to be about the Original Trilogy, featuring one or two planets from those movies. But then all things changed when Bob Iger saw dailies for The Force Awakens and decided that the new Star Wars land must be about the new trilogy and feature the newly created Disney content. Click through for more info!

Galaxy’s Edge Artwork

This is the exact quote by J Daniel Jenkins:

So there was that expectation (of the original trilogy) which you know certainly, I would say is probably equal with the expectations of the guests for Harry Potter.

So you have those expectations, you have the physical limitations that we had to deal with of getting that park ready for such large expansions as Toy Story land and Star Wars. And then on top of the story line, the original concepts for Star Wars land was not going to be Batuu. It was going to be either one or two known planets within the Star Wars ecosphere if you will.

(…) so they had been working and I had been working on Star Wars Land and Toy Story Land simultaneously for a year and Bob Iger basically said he had seen some of the early dailies from the sequels and he said ‘No we’ve got to use the three new movies’ story line. We’re not going to be using the older 6 movies.’ Just because he saw how good they were going to be.

Now we may all wonder what the original concept would have looked like before Bob Iger apparently single handedly changed the plans.

Listen to the entire Dreamfinders podcast here!

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