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Star Wars Collectible News, Photos, and Reviews

Some Mandalorian Photos And Tidbits!

Entertainment Weekly released two exclusive, all new photos from The Mandalorian, one of them showing how he battles two Trandoshans. Once more proof that several of the popular original trilogy alien species will make a welcome return. Then there is also a new promo photo showing the Mandalorian with Cara Dune. And with this visual evidence has turned up that the Mandalorian will upgrade or change his armor throughout the show. Click through for the photos!

The Mandalorian

“Hello there! I would like to First Order some drinks before I kill all of you!”

The photos come courtesy of an Entertainment Weekly article, make sure to check it out for some more background info! Link will follow at the end of the article!

First up here’s the photo with the Mandalorian fighting two Trandoshans:

The Mandalorian Fights Trandoshans

The Mandalorian Fights Trandoshans. Source: EW. Click for much larger version!


And the other photo teams up the Mandalorian and Cara Dune, Cara is an ex Rebel Shock Trooper who at first thinks the Mandalorian is after her:

The Mandalorian and Cara Dune

The Mandalorian and Cara Dune. Source: EW. Click for much larger version!

And you may not notice it at first, but when you compare this photo with previously released photos you will notice that the armor for the Mandalorian looks different.

Here’s a comparison:

Mandalorian armor comparison

Mandalorian armor comparison. Click for larger version!

As you can see, in the new promo photo with Cara the Mandalorian has new breast and shoulder armor and also a new left thigh armor piece. Also, his right thigh armor piece seems to have received some more battle damage. And the armor in the photo with the Trandoshans seems to be different yet again. It appears the Mandalorian will repair, upgrade or tweak his armor throughout the series.

So potentially Hasbro could make a lot of Mandalorian variant figures. If the title character changes in appearance throughout the season and probably from season to season collectors might want to have all armor variants as action figures, maybe similar to people who collect Iron Man action figures and his countless suit versions.

It will be interesting to see what version of the character Hasbro made for TBS and TVC, my bet is on the look on the left, which was released very early.

What look do you prefer? The one with the brown / colored armor pieces or the one with the polished stainless steel look armor pieces? And would you be interested in having all Mandalorian armor variants? Or is one good enough for you?

Source for the photos is Entertainment Weekly, make sure to check out their article!

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