Imperial Scanning Crew (BD32) - Hasbro - Legacy Collection (2009)
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Triple Force Friday Means We'll See The Restock Of TVC Jabba's Palace Playset

We first reported that The Vintage Collection Jabba’s Palace would make an appearance at retail for Fall 2019. This is all still true. And now it looks as if it’s getting labeled as a Triple Force Friday product (Ian’s email partially confirms this), despite some remite stores putting it on the shelf earlier this summer (there were only a handful of store reports). ALso, don’t forget that Walmart is retsocking this item online as well. It will likely be avaialable on October 4th as well, but if we get better details we will let you know. In the meantime, reader JTA reade Ian M.’s store report by clicking through.

Hey Guys,

Wanted you to know that my Walmart is up to some weird stuff… Was there yesterday and they had nothing. Today they had a lone TVC assault tank commander, and when they went in back they had Jabba’s palace. However, apparently Jabba’s palace is considered a force Friday product, and can not be sold until then… The store MOD showed me the email he got about it, and told me that since I had them go get it out of the back it was “my fault I couldn’t buy it.” FANTASTIC PARTNER HASBRO!!!!! Best of luck to everyone else looking for this stuff! PS: VC Tank Commander rang up at clearance price. First one I’ve seen in Nebraska.


Ian M.

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