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New Details On European Convention Hasbro Star Wars Panels Emerge

JTA reader Ruari from Ireland put togetehr a great summary of Hasbro events occurring across the pond and reveals some new tidbits about The Vintage Collection. Click through to check it out.

Hi Paul,

I hope you’re well. I thought these bits of interest would be of interest to your readers. Details on Hasbro panels at four of the five European conventions Hasbro mentioned at NYCC that they’ll be making reveals at have been put up online. The first is Paris Comic Con which is in exactly one week now. Looks like Hasbro will have an overall panel at the Paris con that will focus on more than one brand. That’s what it appears like at least.

The following day Saturday October 26th is Hasbro’s Star Wars panel at MCM London Comic Con. Since one of their MCM panels is just focused on Star Wars I have a feeling that MCM could have the most of the new Star Wars product reveals. We’ll see.

On Friday November 1st is Hasbro’s panel at Lucca Comics & Games in Italy. Like with the Paris con it looks like this panel will focus on more than one brand.

Hasbro’s panel at Manga Barcelona is on Saturday November 2nd the day after their Lucca panel. It also looks like it will focus on more than one brand.

Hasbro said at NYCC that they deliberately focused on Fall 2019 products at NYCC so that the five European conventions will include first looks at 2020 products and that it won’t just be two reveals apiece like at the European conventions they were at last year. Also of note is that both MCM and Manga Barcelona include The Vintage Collection in their panel descriptions so at the very least those two will include TVC reveals. I think we can expect TVC reveals from all five of the European conventions Hasbro will be at though. The fifth is German Comic Con Dortmund in December but with it being further away than the others understandably it looks like no details on the Hasbro panel (or panels) from that con have been revealed yet.

I underlined the above paragraph as I thought some if not all of those points were important and worth mentioning if JTA publishes an article on the details of Hasbro’s panels at these cons whether you use the text as it is or paraphrase it. Just a thought though.

Details can be found at these links.

Paris con:

MCM London:


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