Airspeeder [With Airspeeder Pilot] - Hasbro - Expanded Universe (1998)
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The Mandalorian Merchandise - Has Disney Dropped The Ball?

Now that the Mandalorian has aired its first episode fans are already talking about what action figures they want. Action figures we will probably either never get or only get months and months later. But let’s not talk about action figures, let’s talk about something that took most fans by surprise and what most fans apparently find most adorable. And to protect those who had no chance to see the show yet, you have to click through to know what I am talking about!


Nothing To See Here, Absolutely Nothing! Move along, move along!

Baby “not” Yoda…

Not available in stores

I have a very simple question: why is a plush baby “Yoda” not available in stores right now? It’s not like Disney didn’t know when the Mandalorian will be released, they had plenty of time. And even if Disney, for some weird reason, decided to keep the cute little thing a secret from Hasbro, which wouldn’t be a first (Disney loves keeping Hasbro in the dark about crucial character designs), couldn’t Disney have developed a plush toy inhouse, available in stores the very weekend after the Mandalorian first airs? Why can’t you get a toy at Walmart, Target or Amazon right now? Why is there no action figure announced right now that has this “Yoda” baby and the crib as an accessory?
I think a plush baby “Yoda” (it’s not Yoda, but we have no name for it yet and don’t know the name of the species) would not only be popular with quite a few adult fans, but kids might love it as well. Maybe something will be released eventually… but if it’s December 2020, that’s one year too late. Maybe it’s time Disney rethink their overall approach to merchandising. Certain things like Crait Luke or this baby “Yoda” are needed right away. In my opinion Disney is losing money here, by not offering what fans want. Why is The Mandalorian only supported with a handful of toys and not its own line? What do you think? Would you buy a plush baby Yoda for yourself or for your kids?

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