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Kathleen Kennedy Interviewed By Rolling Stone Magazine

Kathleen Kennedy was interviewed by Rolling Stone Magazine, and she gave a few interesting replies about her future at Lucasfilm and the possibility of George Lucas returning to Star Wars for one last time! So click through for highlights from the interview!

Kathleen Kennedy

Source: Hollywood Reporter

The interview covers a range of topics. Kathleen Kennedy talks a bit about the creation process, how it’s always difficult for Star Wars because they have no source material, no 800 page novels, no comic books (to which I say they did have treatments by George Lucas they didn’t want to use or several EU novels they decided to leave behind). But lets’t not dwell on that.

Kathleen Kennedy also reaffirms that she absolutely loves The Last Jedi. When asked what project is next though she says they doesn’t know yet. Neither the time period or the general setting. If this is indeed true then a 2022 release date for the next Star Wars movie is becoming increasingly ambitious.

And then Kathleen Kennedy is asked about her own future at Lucasfilm. And her reply is surprisingly vague:

I’ve really enjoyed this, I have to say. It’s been incredibly exciting. And just the fact that George asked me to do this, I felt a tremendous responsibility with stepping in and taking care of the franchise, and if there were going to be new movies, to really pull a team around this that cared as much as he did. What happens in the future, and how long and how much longer I do this? I don’t know yet. I’m looking at all of that. It’s been incredibly satisfying to reach this point where we’ve completed the saga and, I think, made a really wonderful movie. It’s going to feel very satisfying to the audience. So that’s what I’m focused on right at the moment — and what the future holds, who knows.

Kathleen Kennedy gives another interesting reply when she is asked if George Lucas might want to do one more Star Wars movie (after telling Rolling Stone how much George Lucas enjoyed the visit on the Mandalorian set and to see what all the new tech can do):

I doubt it. But listen, I think that would be fantastic, if he would be interested in doing that again. But I doubt it. He’s loving doing his museum [Los Angeles’ the Lucas Museum of Narrative Art] right now. That’s a huge project, which is going to be absolutely fantastic. It’s a narrative museum, so it really keeps him engaged in storytelling. I think he’s loving that and he’s loving his little girl [six-year-old daughter Everest]. So he’s pretty fulfilled.

I also doubt it, George is not getting any younger, he will choose carefully how to spend his time. Also, even though a few fans would love to see him return he has certainly not forgotten the prequels and what some fans accused him of. But still, one final (one off) Star Wars movie by George Lucas could be something. But if it happens it needs to happen now, i.e. the next movie should be written and directed by Lucas. Which is probably not going to happen.

What do you think after reading these replies? Do you think Kathleen Kennedy may want to enjoy her retirement soon, after a long, very successful and illustruous career? Or do you think she’ll keep going for another 5 or even 10 years? And: do you see George Lucas writing and or directing one final Star Wars movie? It would basically have to be the next one. He’s 75 now, in 2022 he would be fast approaching 80.

Make sure to read the full interview! Kathleen Kennedy talks about several other things, including Kevin Feige.

You can read the Rolling Stone article here.



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