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The Future Of Lucasfilm And Star Wars

Following the Kathleen Kennedy Interview for Rolling Stone, the Hollywood Reporter released an article with their take on how the future of Lucasfilm and Star Wars might look like. So what does the Hollywood Reporter think? Click through the details!

The future of Star Wars?

Now while the Hollywood Reporter also doesn’t know if Kathleen Kennedy will stay with Lucasfilm once her contract expires in 2021 (or may even leave before that), they do have sources that told them that it’s very likely Jon Favreau, Dave Filoni and newly hired Michelle Rejwan who is a producer for Rise of Skywalker and joined LFL a few months ago may play very important roles going forward.

The Hollywood Reporter goes so far to say that this may actually be Kennedy’s ideal team, if she has any say over who follows her. Rejwan would most likely deal with the business side of things, help coordinate projects with showrunners and directors and develop new movies and series with them shaping the overall direction of the franchise, while Favreau and Filoni would most likely take care of the more creative side of things.

The article also says that Kathleen Kennedy already has a movie for 2022, but no director yet. And no, it won’t be Rian Johnson’s movie, according to the Hollywood Reporter.

Whatever the future of Lucasfilm is, it would make a lot of sense to utilise both Favreau and Filoni a lot more when it comes to live action. Both are fan favorites, enjoy a lot of respect and even love from the fans and both Favreau’s and Filoni’s Star Wars projects are very popular. And Michelle Rejwan as the one who coordinates things and deals with the business side would also make sense, she’s young (she’s in her mid 30s), people like her are certainly the future.

But the article also says that Iger may want to install his own people, at least as far is Michelle Rejwan is concerned. I believe there’s little doubt Favreau and Filoni, if they want to, will play a larger role going forward.

So what do you think? Would you like for Favreau and Filoni to take on more projects at Lucasfilm?

Read the entire article on the Hollywood Reporter website!

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