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Even More New TV Spots For The Rise Of Skywalker

There are two new TV spots for The Rise of Skywalker with new footage! The latest spot is titled “Duel”. It’s interesting that they are reusing the Duel of the Fates theme in this short clip. Click through to see the two TV spots!

UPDATE: Expanded “Duel” clip video added which was posted on the Star Wars YouTube channel! Featuring some more all new scenes!

The Rise of Skywalker Rey and Palpatine

Rey, small and lonely, meets Palpatine. Please take note of the abyss in the background.

Once more the spot is not listed on the official Star Wars YouTube channel, so the same random YouTuber who spliced together two clips before also spliced together these two clips. The first clip gives you a clear and detailed look at the Vader helmet on Kylo’s Vader altar, the second clip focuses on the duel between Kylo and Rey, the space battle and Rey meeting Palpatine.

And here is the expanded “Duel” clip from the official Star Wars YouTube channel, containing an interesting scene with Rey!

And here’s a screenshot with Vader’s mask in closeup:

The Rise of Skywalker Rey and Vader mask

Kylo’s Vader altar

This scene is on Kylo’s Star Destroyer, the Jedi mind trick snippet from the previous clip is also set on Kylo’s Star Destroyer, slightly earlier. The sequence with the Falcon as it leaves the hangar bay with Rey flying like Leia through space and Finn standing on the ramp is how this segment on Kylo’s Star Destroyer ends. The helmet, or at least the altar, get destroyed in a previous trailer. So Kylo will appear a short time later and he and Rey will have another duel.

What else… no jokes this time, the new clips are all drama. Poe seems to be especially grief stricken as an X-Wing gets shot down and crashes into a Star Destroyer (the same one the light brigade is charging with space horses).

The Rise of Skywalker Poe Dameron


The Rise of Skywalker X-Wing getting shot down

The reason Poe is so shocked…

Let’s speculate who may be piloting that ship. Poe wouldn’t scream if it was just some random pilot we’ve never seen before? Could it be Snap Wexley? Wedge Antilles? Nien Nunb? Or just some random pilot after all and Poe is merely extremely empathic each time someone gets shot down?

And as an update here is a screenshot of the scene with Rey and the burning TIE Fighter from the expanded YouTube clip!

The Rise of Skywalker - Rey

A rather despondent looking Rey on what looks a lot like Ahch-To

The Rise of Skywalker - Rey

A burning TIE Fighter on Ahch-To?

What is Rey doing on what looks like Ahch-To? And why is there a TIE Fighter on the island? Burning? Perhaps this is when we get to see Luke? Who is certainly in the movie, even if we have seen no images of him yet and only heard his voice.


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