Name: Pit Droids (2-Pack) • Collection: Episode I • Availability: February 2000
If you’re interested in acquiring a flooring for your Jabba’s Palace Adventure Set, eBay seller Carboard Galaxy has them available for order now! Limited stock is available!
Check out the latest newsletter from our sponsor, Brian’s Toys…
Back in stock we have the Brian’s Toys Exclusive Jocasta Nu! Get them while they are hot, lowest price on the market. We have also added the 20th Anniversary Maul, Kenobi, & Vintage Collection Elite Clone Trooper.
Death Squad Commander • Star Wars • 1978
The LA Times posted their full walkthrough of Savi’s lightsaber workshop on YouTube, in the embedded video you will see what it’s like to build your saber, from beginning to end, including the full experience and performance in the workshop! The only thing the video doesn’t show is that on Batuu nobody refers to Savi’s workshop as a lightsaber workshop, so if you ask for directions and want to know where you can build your own lightsaber you will instead be referred to Savi’s scrap business, which serves as a front so the First Order doesn’t get wind of it. The saber will cost $200 plus tax. After the jump there are some more videos providing a good look at the other highlights from the park, such as the Droid Depot!
You will certainly remember the post from a few weeks ago where we asked you to participate in a Star Wars fan survey. Social scientist Mark H. White wanted to find out more about Star Wars fandom, how we tick, so to speak. If you left your email address in the survey Mark will already have contacted you, he released the results late last night. His analysis of the results spreads over five parts, each part dealing with a different topic, ranging from the general make-up and demographics of fandom to sexism. And while most of the results will probably not really be a surprise to many, some results may ruffle some feathers here and there. So it’s time to look at Mark’s results and to discuss them. Click through for more!
Anyone who wants to check out what the Smuggler’s Run ride in Galaxy’s Edge is all about should watch the embedded video. The video will give you an almost complete walkthrough of the ride, the (very long) queue, your meeting with Hondo, how you enter the Falcon and finally the ride in the cockpit. If you plan on going to the park anytime soon and don’t want to be spoiled, then don’t watch this video. If, however, you want a good look at what Smuggler’s Run is all about, then definitely watch this video. It will not show the entire ride, there are some jump cuts, but enough that you get a good idea of how the ride itself works and what it’s all about. Click through for some more details after the jump!
Update: Video of the cockpit view for the full 5 minute run has been added!
The C-3PO (Electronic Talking) 12-Inch Figure is a blast. Learn more about it in our Research Droids Reviews today! Be sure to leave your thoughts in our comments section, vote in the poll or comment about it on our Facebook page. Click the banner below for the direct link to the review! As always, you can also send your review requests via email if you’d like to see something that we didn’t cover yet.
Name: Chancellor Valorum • Collection: Episode I • Availability: May 1999
We have another Visual Guide update for our Episode I guide. Click below to check out the Sith Speeder And Darth Maul set. Make sure to also check out our full review of this set right here.
Sand People • Star Wars • 1978
Amazon is canceling a ton of orders for the latest The Black Series [Phase III] 6″ figures. Did yours get canceled too? Mine did! If they did get canceled, Walmart is still offering them for the lowest price online (17.97 each). Check to see what’s available by clicking HERE.
There is a new short Disneyland Resort YouTube video, which is not listed yet on the channel, that will give you another good look at Galaxy’s Edge. All you have to do is add a lot more people to the scenes in the video to know what it’s like to walk the alleyways of Batuu or to relax in the local cantina. It does look amazing and the design certainly breathes Star Wars.
Now the only remaining question is how much fun it will be to share this experience with countless other people while the kids are thirsty, hungry or both. Some of the alleyways look rather narrow, I wonder how many people will be admitted to Galaxy’s Edge at the same time. Galaxy’s Edge opens May 31st, but only visitors with a reservation can go to Batuu. So maybe Disney will limit the number of people who can visit the theme park to make the experience less stressful. There is no Fastpass available for the rides and you can’t make any reservations for the Cantina, this will probably only work if not too many people crowd Galaxy’s Edge at once or else some frustration would be guaranteed. To avoid overcrowding Disney will enforce a time limit, visitors have a four hour time limit and have to wear colored wristbands that will keep track of time. Once your time is up Stormtroopers will escort you off Batuu. Disney doesn’t say however, what will happen if guests resist the Stormtroopers. Will actual security drag visitors away or will the Stormtroopers simply open fire? Should any of you go to Galaxy’s Edge please send us your experience reports and photos!
The Episode I line gave us some Kenner-inspired Mini Rig-type things too. Check out the Armored Scout Tank (With Battle Droid) Invasion Force set. It also gave us the only OOM Pilot Battle Droid figure in the entire Episode I line. Learn more in our Research Droids Reviews today! Be sure to leave your thoughts in our comments section, vote in the poll or comment about it on our Facebook page. Click the banner below for the direct link to the review! As always, you can also send your review requests via email if you’d like to see something that we didn’t cover yet.
Are you going to Galaxy’s Edge? The official opening ceremony is in the books, joined by George Lucas, Mark Hamill, Billy Dee Wiliams, and more. Our friends over at Jedi News were at the event for full coverage. Head on over to check out their galleries. You can also check out video of the event at the Disney Parks Blog.
Name: C-3PO • Collection: Episode I • Availability: May 1999
Wow. I am floored by this amazing set from Hole in the Ground Productions. Thanks to Scott M. for sending us some amazing images of the playset he received (as well as a couple from HITGP’s Facebook page). You’ll definitely want to check out these images after the jump!
We are hearing more than just a few complaints that not everyone has received his or her Walmart exclusive TVC Jabba’s Palace (Adventure Set) yet. To date, their orders are showing as still pending or have been canceled altogether because of a lack of stock. If this is you, please let us know your status in the comments, or if you’d prefer more privacy, send me an email. The information you provide will be used to help find out more about the situation. Thanks. Keep in mind that more units will arrive in stores this Fall, so you shouldn’t need to resort to aftermarket prices on eBay.
Jawa • Star Wars • 1978
While many have probably heard of vacuum forming, I suppose that many have never really seen the process. The original Stormtrooper armor was vacuum formed for example, but the process was used for many other things as well. In the following video former Mythbuster Adam Savage shows you in great detail how to build a model starship prototype with vacuum forming. And in the video he reveals that all the starship prototypes for Star Wars Episodes I, II and III were made exactly like this. While the video is quite long, more than 30 minutes, it’s well worth a watch and seeing how some sheets of white plastic turn into a veritable starship prototype is very interesting. You will also learn about what is called “greebling”, one of the very early examples of that was seen on the extremely detailed and intricate models for 2001 A Space Odyssey, even though the process had a different name during filming of the movie and the term “greebling”, or “greebles” for the parts themselves, was coined during filming of Star Wars. But the process was well known at this time. Watch the video to learn everything about it! Anyone who is even remotely interested in what it used to take to create highly detailed physical plastic models or prototypes for a movie from scratch before the advent of 3D printers should check this video out!
The Episode I line changed a bit in 2000, and Hasbro produced the Invasion Force subline. Check out the Gungan Assault Cannon (With Jar Jar Binks) from this series of figures. It’s the focus of our Research Droids Reviews today! Be sure to leave your thoughts in our comments section, vote in the poll or comment about it on our Facebook page. Click the banner below for the direct link to the review! As always, you can also send your review requests via email if you’d like to see something that we didn’t cover yet.
Han Solo • Star Wars • 1978
Name: R2-B1 Astromech Droid • Collection: Episode I • Availability: February 2000
Check out the new attraction posters revealed over at the Disney and More blog. They also have an image of the park map to give you an idea of the layout of Galaxy’s Edge. Get all the details after the jump!
If you like what you saw from Facebook page Cardboard Galaxy, then be sure to stalk their eBay store for these to become available for sale! As of this post, they’re not yet listed.
UPDATE: It will be available in approximately one week, but check out his other cool cardboard backdrops!
Facebook page Cardboard Galaxy has produced a fantastic enhancement for your Jabba’s Palace (Adventure Set). It looks so incredible we wish Hasbro would have thought of this and added it to the box! A simple cardboard flooring and backdrop add depth and dimension like never before! Check them out! Special thanks to JTA reader Matthew C. for the tip!
This is a tad unusual. Walmart has set the price for wave 21 of The Vintage Collection at $13.73. Is this just another instance of algorithmic pricing, or are TVC figures going up to a $13.99 MSRP with this wave?
If you are a more serious collector there may come a time when you want to keep track of what you actually own. This can be a daunting task if the number of items is in the hundreds or even thousands. Thus, it’s a good idea to catalogue your collection from the very beginning. So, how do you catalogue your collection, if at all? And if you don’t have a list or catalogue of your figures… do you ever buy a figure for a second time, only later realizing you already owned it?
I use an Excel spreadsheet which lists each figure, but not just that: I have columns for the box number (Black Series), name of the figure, how many of each figure I have, which movie(s) the figure is from, if it’s a regular, a deluxe or an exclusive release and I also specify the manufacturer, since I don’t just collect Hasbro. I also have entries for Black Series figures I don’t own, to see what is missing. This way I can easily apply formulas and filters and see how many exclusive figures I own, how many figures are from Japan, how many figures could be used for any movie specific display or what exclusive sets I might still try to get.
So, how do you keep track of your collection? And do you have any useful tips to share?
It started out life as an Episode I Sneak Preview release, but the STAP And Battle Droid got updated in Episode I packaging too. Find out more in our Research Droids Reviews today! Be sure to leave your thoughts in our comments section, vote in the poll or comment about it on our Facebook page. Click the banner below for the direct link to the review! As always, you can also send your review requests via email if you’d like to see something that we didn’t cover yet.
Name: Mace Windu • Collection: Episode I • Availability: March 2000
We’ve added the latest Topps Trading Card set to our Topps listing. Check out the Star Wars Resistance [Season One] set, along with our full box break gallery. Jump over to Amazon if you want to pick up a box.
Jedi Temple Archives wishes all of our readers a Happy Memorial Day. We are eternally grateful to all those who paid the ultimate sacrifice to give us the freedoms we have today in the greatest country in the world. And those that died will never be forgotten. God bless the USA!
As the excitement brews for wave 21 of The Vintage Collection to arrive at collectors’ homes, in case you missed it, don’t forget we reviewed the entire wave a month ago today! Click HERE to check out all of the figures that make up this fantastic wave. See what you’ll be receiving when they arrive!
Also, to keep things as organized as possible, the case assortment that online is referring to as “wave 5” will be from here on out referred to as wave 20.5 at Jedi Temple Archives. A case assortment without any new figures has always been designated as a half-wave or a remix wave and never constituted a new wave of figures. We want to remain faithful to what’s been established years ago. Those figures are all wave 1 and wave 3 carry-forwards (with enhancements), nothing more. Besides, we don’t know how many more of these “surprise” case assortments Hasbro will work into the line going forward. This approach also prevents the new case assortments from changing numbers on us. You can now see all of these figures by searching “tvc wave 20” in our Research Droids Reviews search function. (The carry-forward figures will also pop up when you search for their original case assortments – “tvc wave 01” and/or “tvc wave 03” – as well.)
One of the most boring releases in the Episode I toy line is the Trade Federation Droid Fighters. What was Hasbro thinking? See more in our Research Droids Reviews today! Be sure to leave your thoughts in our comments section, vote in the poll or comment about it on our Facebook page. Click the banner below for the direct link to the review! As always, you can also send your review requests via email if you’d like to see something that we didn’t cover yet.
Are you still in need of The Black Series [Phase III] 6″ General Grievous figure? It’s in stock with Prime on Amazon! Thanks to all those who wrote in to let us know!
Name: Queen Amidala (Battle) • Collection: Episode I • Availability: March 2000
The time has come! The best Imperial Stormtrooper ever in 3.75″ scale is starting to arrive in collectors’ homes. Thanks to Sergio K. for the image. I have seen reports of cards being charged from EE and BBTS, so start watching for emails and whatnot if you have this on pre-order. Has anyone had their cards charged for the solid cases of Stormtroopers yet? Let us know if you’ve gotten your case or are anticipating it soon in the comments!
We reviewed these figures weeks ago too! Check them out HERE!
Pre-order Wave 6 from Entertainment Earth here.
One of the most beautiful vehicles ever produced by Hasbro is the Naboo Fighter (Electronic). Find out why you should own multiples of them. See more in our Research Droids Reviews today! Be sure to leave your thoughts in our comments section, vote in the poll or comment about it on our Facebook page. Click the banner below for the direct link to the review! As always, you can also send your review requests via email if you’d like to see something that we didn’t cover yet.
Name: Naboo Royal Guard • Collection: Episode I • Availability: December 1999
If you have pre-ordered Alphabet Squadron, or plan on pre-ordering it soon, you can take advantage of a special pre-order offer for a free Alphabet Squadron iron-on patch. Click through for details. Pre-order your copy on Amazon and take advantage of this offer.
The Flash Speeder is a gorgeous vehicle. And it has some cool play features. Do you know what they are? Learn more in our Research Droids Reviews today! Be sure to leave your thoughts in our comments section, vote in the poll or comment about it on our Facebook page. Click the banner below for the direct link to the review! As always, you can also send your review requests via email if you’d like to see something that we didn’t cover yet.
As you know, today is the 10th anniversary of our review column, and today was supposed to end the run of the daily column officially. But our Research Droids Reviews column will continue for a little while longer. Between all of the great stuff coming to celebrate the 40th anniversary of The Empire Strikes Back to the conclusion of the Skywalker saga, we feel things need to stay status quo for the time being to get everything archived as required. In the meantime, we’ll forge ahead with our 20th Anniversary of The Phantom Menace celebration. Thank you for your support!
JTA sponsor Brian’s Toys sends in their latest newsletter…
You like vintage Star Wars? Well this newsletter is for you! Carded non-graded Star Wars, Coins, No Reserve Auctions, and even the ever so hard to find POTF Anakin are all ready to go!
Name: Darth Maul (Tatooine) • Collection: Episode I • Availability: May 1999
I’ve started down the rabbit hole of Marvel Legends figures recently, so I’ve started following The Fwoosh for news in that regard. They write the occasional Star Wars article as well, and today they posted a wonderful video about all the various 6″ Darth Vader figures on the market. In addition to reporting the news of an upcoming Figuarts Vader, we have reviewed several Darth Vader figures in great detail, so click through for The Fwoosh’s video as well as links to our reviews.
Today we celebrate our 10th Anniversary of Research Droids Reviews! Where has the time gone? Stay tuned for an important announcement about our RDRs column later today!
The Ammo Wagon And Falumpaset is a stunning release. But you probably don’t have it because of its relative scarcity. See why it’s a piece you should track down in our Research Droids Reviews today! Be sure to leave your thoughts in our comments section, vote in the poll or comment about it on our Facebook page. Click the banner below for the direct link to the review! As always, you can also send your review requests via email if you’d like to see something that we didn’t cover yet.
Now this comes quite unexpected. Buzzfeed reports that Laeta Kalogridis is writing a script for the first movie of a potential KOTOR trilogy! Kalogridis wrote, among other things, Alita Battle Angel, Shutter Island, the TV shows Altered Carbon and Birds of Prey and also Terminator Genysis. So she has a lot of experience writing science fiction, and except for Terminator Geneysis most of the movies and shows she wrote are quite well liked.
But what is of interest here is that this KOTOR trilogy, according to Buzzfeed, is NOT the Benioff & Weiss project, which would be odd anyway, since they would certainly write their own scripts. It may as well be that Lucasfilm is just looking at options here. Writing a script doesn’t necessarily mean that if will be turned into a movie. But it’s certainly exciting that Lucasfilm is actively developing something for KOTOR, something Kathleen Kennedy only hinted at while being interviewed at SWCC. This also means, that whatever Benioff & Weiss will do won’t be a KOTOR project, but something else.
Incidentally, Laeta Kalogridis would only be the second woman after Leigh Brackett to write a Star Wars movie (Brackett co-wrote The Empire Strikes Back with Lawrence Kasdan, she passed away in 1978, however). So what do you think? Would you love to get a KOTOR trilogy? The question is, when it would be released.
Name: Captain Panaka • Collection: Episode I • Availability: May 1999
Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi • Star Wars • 1978
There are lots of different types of Star Wars collectors out there. But there is a reason why the energy, engagement, and excitement is at an all-time high now, no matter if you’re a loose or carded collector. (more….)
We get two very scene-specific action figures in The Final Lightsaber Duel (Darth Maul Vs. Obi-Wan Kenobi) two-packs set. They’re pretty good action figures too. Se more in our Research Droids Reviews today! Be sure to leave your thoughts in our comments section, vote in the poll or comment about it on our Facebook page. Click the banner below for the direct link to the review! As always, you can also send your review requests via email if you’d like to see something that we didn’t cover yet.
Amazon up and canceled the pre-orders for the Tatooine Skiff for many collectors a short time ago, and not they have it back up for pre-order. So, if you want to pre-order from them… again…. jump over to Amazon’s pre-order page! Thanks to JTA reader Shakes The Clone for the alert!
Name: Nute Gunray • Collection: Episode I • Availability: July 1999
Now this is certainly somewhat odd. Reworked versions of a Return of the Jedi Darth Vader and A New Hope Stormtrooper will soon be put on pre-order by SH Figuarts. Magazine scans of the two figures have appeared in the wild. This takes SH Figuarts full circle, since these two were the first to be released in the SHF Star Wars line. However, both original figures had serious shortcomings. The original ROTJ Darth Vader was too short, had a very stylized sculpt and a tiny head. Even worse, the unmasked Vader head only came with the Return of the Jedi Luke. It seems the new Vader is based on the A New Hope Vader which corrected some of the mistakes of the previous Vader but still had some issues, like a somewhat inaccurate helmet sculpt and awkward cape. It remains to be seen if SHF reworked the helmet sculpt once more for this release. The feature to remove the helmet dome is certainly all new. The unmasked head certainly looks gorgeous and it might be something you’d want to get if you want to replace Sad Puppy Vader from the Black Series. The Stormtrooper seems to be based on the Rogue One sculpt which is still inaccurate, the crotch piece is much too large (or the belt sits too high). But you get superior articulation in return. And the helmet sculpt has been very much improved compared with the original Stormtrooper. Anyway, it’s still a weird choice to retool / revise previous figures instead of releasing any of the other all new prototypes. Like the Empire Strikes Back Pilot Luke or Crait Luke, however the latter may still be announced soon, see the previous article! Are you interested in an SHF ROTJ Vader and ANH Stormtrooper at all? Or are these figures an easy pass? Let us know in the comments!
UPDATE: Official promo photos added! Click through to see them!
Bandai has a survey up on their website about the recently released Count Dooku figure. The survey is in Japanese, but using the translate function in Google Chrome you can still take it if you feel like it. However the survey is not really what I want to talk about. What I do want to talk about is the part of the survey in which Bandai wants to know what SH Figuarts Star Wars figures you already own. The recently announced Revenge of the Sith Yoda figure is on the list. But so is the yet unannounced Crait version of Luke Skywalker. The figure was on display in Japan, so we know it exists. However, nothing has been announced yet. But with Luke on the list the question is if SH Figuarts will announce him soon. SH Figuarts should certainly try to beat Hasbro to the punch and release their Crait Luke before Hasbro if they want to make more money. Chances are collectors outside Japan would not order the SHF version if Hasbro releases Luke first. Would you get the SHF version of Crait Luke? Or will you wait for Hasbro’s Black Series version?
Well, I guess every delivery couldn’t be perfect. JTA reader Lord Bodega eagerly anticipated the arrival of his Jabba’s Palace Adventure Sets, only to receive the two he ordered taped together and with shipping labels attached to the outside of the product boxes. There was no shipper box at all! We are trying to figure out which warehouse his items were shipped from, but in the meantime, please let us know if you experienced something similar. Overall, the shipping experiences for this item have been incredibly positive.
About a week ago we posted that Captain Rex was showing up at Ross stores in the US. Well, I went to six Ross stores yesterday and was sorely disappointed. Not only did I not find a single Captain Rex, I found something much worse (at more than one store). If you need reminded why this particular Leia figure is essentially terrible, just check out our RDR here. Has anyone had luck finding Captain Rex or the Target 3-pack at Ross? Let us know in the comments!
ILMxLAB has put together a guide to Vader Immortal: A Star Wars VR Series – Episode I to get you ready for this immersive experience. This is high on my list to experience once I can justify purchasing the Oculus Quest. The Vader Immortal episode itself is only $9.99. But, the Oculus Quest will set you back just a little bit more than that. You can check out the wireless gaming system over on Amazon. I had the chance to try the 7-minute demo at Star Wars Celebration last month and was blown away. For those that have picked this up and played through the 1-hour experience, let us know some spoiler-free opinions in the comments!
Stormtrooper • Star Wars • 1978
Early this morning, reviewed some of the photos from Vanity Fair’s new article. Included are several wonderful behind the scenes photos from the production of the new film. I am loving Keri Russell and Richard E. Grant’s costumes. The lack of R2 and familiar aliens is rather conspicuous, though. Click through for more photos and let us know what your thoughts are in the comments!
Here is the VERY FIRST Trade Federation Tank from Hasbro. Does it hold up well today? Find out in our Research Droids Reviews today! Be sure to leave your thoughts in our comments section, vote in the poll or comment about it on our Facebook page. Click the banner below for the direct link to the review! As always, you can also send your review requests via email if you’d like to see something that we didn’t cover yet.
Name: Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jedi Knight) • Collection: Episode I • Availability: February 2000
Tonight’s Visual Guide update features one of the Cinema Scenes from the Episode I line. Click below to check out the Mos Espa Encounter Cinema Scene. We also have a full review of this set right here.
Darth Vader • Star Wars • 1978
The Phantom Menace celebrated it’s 20th anniversary a few days ago. Many here will certainly remember 1999, the anticipation, the excitement and maybe the disappointment or joy after seeing the movie. But what was it really like, back in 1999? We now live in an age where researching history has become easier than ever before. Back in 1999 the internet was still in its infancy, but 248 million people were online at the time, about 50% of them lived in the USA. IMDB already existed and scoop sites like Aint It Cool News also talked a lot about Star Wars, with reviews and comments still online today. There were also dedicated Star Wars fan forums. So we can actually go back in time and read what fans thought about the movie, it gives us the opportunity to see how Star Wars fans, the ones who were online at least, ticked and argued about. So what was it like back then? Click through for two videos and some thoughts about the matter!
If you have the opportunity to root through more than just a couple of TARGET exclusive TVC Han Solo (Stormtrooper) (VC143) figures, you may want to heed this advice. Han’s hair is essentially a “toupee” on this action figure, and depending upon where it’s placed, it can make the figure looks fantastic, or wonky. It’s very similar to how the hair on The Black Series [Phase I] Mara Jade (#14) was done. Below are two examples we encountered over the weekend in the exclusive Father’s Day display. While the two examples below are relatively nice-looking figures, you might unknowingly pick up one where the hairpiece is crooked, so make sure you inspect it before leaving the store!
Another great Episode I vehicle release was Sebulba’s Pod Racer! It’s also a fun vehicle! See more in our Research Droids Reviews today! Be sure to leave your thoughts in our comments section, vote in the poll or comment about it on our Facebook page. Click the banner below for the direct link to the review! As always, you can also send your review requests via email if you’d like to see something that we didn’t cover yet.
See-Threepio (C-3PO) • Star Wars • 1978
Name: Padmé Naberrie • Collection: Episode I • Availability: May 1999
Here’s another update addition to the Episode I Visual Guide, this time featuring OOM-9. Click below to check out the full Visual Guide. You can also check out a full review of this figure over in our review database.
The Peter Mayhew Memorial Foundation is selling a memorial challenge coin, with 100% of the proceeds going towards the Foundation. Click through for complete details and to secure one of these limited coins! And, there’s a silver variant if that’s your thing!
Peter Mayhew passed away on April 30th, 2019. The Peter Mayhew Foundation was Peter’s passion for helping others in the form of a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization that helped alleviate suffering in all its forms. From helping families struggling to receive a life saving transplant, to aiding animal rescues with the funds needed to care for abandoned animals and make them ready for adoption. Angie Mayhew, Peter’s wife, now takes up the mantle of Executive Director of the Foundation and will continue to deliver on Peter’s moral imperative to help those in need.
Avengers Endgame broke all box office records when it was released. However, 24 days into the release of the movie it becomes obvious that Endgame will not be able to beat the domestic box office results of The Force Awakens. The Force Awakens had very, very strong legs, especially for a modern day blockbuster movie, and Avengers Endgame just can’t keep up. So The Force Awakens will remain the number 1 movie on the domestic alltime box office charts in the USA (unadjusted for inflation). But the story doesn’t end here. Click through for some more thoughts and numbers (and bar charts) about Star Wars at the box office.
As you know, the Walmart exclusive TVC Jabba’s Palace (Adventure Playset) is arriving to homes all across America. And many of you have noticed that the items are well-packed with air pillows and properly-sized boxes. That isn’t a coincidence. Walmart is aware of the shipping issues and has begun taking steps to rectify this. Mine arrived perfectly, and the image below, courtesy off JTA reader and friend Russ T., show proof that his merchandise came unharmed and in beautiful condition. Let us know how your shipping experiences are.
YouGov released a brand new survey in late April. For this representative survey 27,171 US adults were questioned on April 29th. YouGov wanted to know what the most favorite Star Wars movie from the three trilogies is (so Rogue One and Solo are missing) And while you may already guess what the most popular movie among adults is, it is still something different if you ask a representative sample of all US adults or just hardcore fans. So click through for the results!
Look at all of the pretty colors on Anakin Skywalker’s Pod Racer! It’s also a fun vehicle! See more in our Research Droids Reviews today! Be sure to leave your thoughts in our comments section, vote in the poll or comment about it on our Facebook page. Click the banner below for the direct link to the review! As always, you can also send your review requests via email if you’d like to see something that we didn’t cover yet.
The Walmart exclusive TVC Jabba’s Palace (Adventure Set) is the hybrid of many perfect things. It’s why it’s selling out the moment it goes back in stock. And it’s why we are still talking about it after so many posts. But today I noticed something that concerns me. (more….)
We have a few updates to our Episode I Visual Guide, starting with Gasgano from the basic figures line. Click below to check out the full Visual Guide, and make sure to revisit our full review of this figure right here!
Name: Queen Amidala (Naboo) • Collection: Episode I • Availability: May 1999
Hot on the heels of our report of the TVC Han Solo (Stormtrooper) figure hitting en masse, The Black Series [Phase III] Luke Skywalker (Stormtrooper Escape) 6″ figure is also arriving in substantial numbers as well. Special thanks to JTA reader and friend Russ T. for the image.
One of the hottest sellers of 1999 was the Sith Speeder And Darth Maul vehicle two-pack. It still holds up well today. Learn more in our Research Droids Reviews today! Be sure to leave your thoughts in our comments section, vote in the poll or comment about it on our Facebook page. Click the banner below for the direct link to the review! As always, you can also send your review requests via email if you’d like to see something that we didn’t cover yet.
Hurry if you still need it! The Vintage Collection Jabba’s Palace Adventure Set with exclusive carded Han Solo (In Carbonite) and Ree-Yees is back IN STOCK after a couple of cancellations were processed! It likely won’t last long! Thanks to everyone who wrote in with the tip!
Several new autograph subjects are now live on the Star Wars Authentics site. Check out new autographs from Ray Park, Billy Dee Williams, Julian Glover, Erin Kellyman, Freddie Prize Jr. and many more right here.
Name: Naboo Royal Security • Collection: Episode I • Availability: May 1999
Hey! If you have a Barnes & Noble near you, you may want to check the stock of The Black Series Archive 6″ line. The first wave is cleared out at $4.99 per figure. You can order online and pick up at your local store provided they have the items in stock. Special thanks to JTA reader Jon M. for the news! And good luck!
Who had the Jabba Glob? But the real question is what film is this Jabba The Hutt figure based? Let us know in our Research Droids Reviews today! Be sure to leave your thoughts in our comments section, vote in the poll or comment about it on our Facebook page. Click the banner below for the direct link to the review! As always, you can also send your review requests via email if you’d like to see something that we didn’t cover yet.
Name: Watto • Collection: Episode I • Availability: May 1999
They’re here! Heather O’Rourke couldn’t have said it better. JTA reader and friend Danny R. was so eager to send in his report to let everyone know he picked up his Jabba’s Palace (Adventure Set) and he’s thrilled with it (so far)!. Let us know about your arrivals and what you think about this incredible retailer exclusive too!
Here’s the latest newsletter from our sponsor, Brian’s Toys…
Keep an eye every week as we are continuing to add a bunch of rare cool vintage items we just got in stock! Check out our selection this week, the centerpiece is the Vinyl Cape Jawa on the card.
In case you’re not aware from reading this detail in our review yet, the carded figures in Jabba’s Palace Adventure Playset don’t arrive in perfect condition. Ree-Yees is in better shape than Han Solo (Carbonite) because it lays against the side of the box. But Han Solo (Carbonite) has less support. This is an issue because of the way Hasbro packaged the, essentially floating around inside of the box without much support. This isn’t a Walmart issue. You can see how they’re packaged by clicking HERE. I am sure that time outside of the box laying flatly will help return the cared figures to their original shape, but please note that they may not arrive in ideal form.
JTA reader and friend Martin M. asked to share this blog post he wrote almost two decades ago. He wrote this after he saw The Phantom Menace the first time with his nephew, who was five at the time. It’s worth reading. Check it out!
Most of us missed out on the SWCC exclusives from Hasbro. If you’re interested, eBay seller freemantoys has them for a little over $100 for the pair. Thanks to JTA reader Scot G. for the alert!
Hurry! The remarkable TVC Weequay figure is in stock on eBay from seller tunghori. Special thanks to Mark. for the alert!
For many, The Vintage Collection Jabba’s Palace (Adventure Set) is quickly on its way to homes across America. As you eagerly anticipate the arrival of yours, catch up on our thoughts on this fantastic set right now in our full gallery right now. It’s loaded with imagery and details, and hopefully, it will pump you up with excitement until yours arrives.
The Opee And Qui-Gon Jinn Creature set is cool. But does it make any sense? See more in our Research Droids Reviews today! Be sure to leave your thoughts in our comments section, vote in the poll or comment about it on our Facebook page. Click the banner below for the direct link to the review! As always, you can also send your review requests via email if you’d like to see something that we didn’t cover yet.
More and more Star Wars collectibles are showing up at discount retailers, and it looks like the next one to hit Ross is Captain Rex. Surprising to me since it’s such a good figure, but this probably has more to do with distribution than collectors not buying it at retail. It looks like the search is on once again to find this figure on the cheap. Thanks to Mike Y. and Rand R. from Arizona for the images. Have you found this figure at Ross too? Let us know in the comments!
Name: Boss Nass • Collection: Episode I • Availability: May 1999
Many of you have noticed your cards have been authorized for the Walmart exclusive The Vintage Collection Jabba’s Palace (Adventure Playset). We’ve got great news! We’ve learned that stock has finally arrived in the warehouse (which is why there was a little splurge of available units this morning) and that the “ship to customer” date is TOMORROW! So, these should begin shipping TOMORROW! Aren’t you excited? We also can confirm that, while you may see periodic online availability, that our original report is 100% accurate. This item is sold out online and will be available next in quantity at the retail level in the Fall.
Hey! If you’re one of the cool collectors totally digging the new Retro Collection, don’t forget that Hasbro produced a phenomenal “Retro-styled” Boba Fett figure as part of the original run of The Vintage Collection. We’re certain Boba Fett is planned officially for the Retro Collection at some point, but why wait when you can get an awesome rocket-firing version right now? Special thanks to JTA Facebook reader Jeff Cole for the beautiful image and the reminder that this figure exists! 🙂 If you want Boba Fett (VCP03), check out the eBay listings for it HERE, if you can afford one that is! You can also see our RDR on this figure HERE as well.
JTA reader Matthew C. via Facebook user Kylo Ortiz lets us know that the TARGET exclusive TVC Han Solo (Stormtrooper) (VC143) figure is hitting massively and getting placed in those “separate” Father’s Day displays outside of the toy aisle that we reported about weeks ago. They should be everywhere soon!
Out of the blue, I received a lovely email from Sean Crawford, the man who played Saelt-Marae (Yak Face), commenting on our vintage Kenner The Power Of The Force Yak Face review. Click through to see what he had to say. We’re honored to hear from him.
The Tatooine Showdown Cinema Scenes set is better than you think. And it has a stunning version of Qui-Gon Jinn. See it for yourself in our Research Droids Reviews today! Be sure to leave your thoughts in our comments section, vote in the poll or comment about it on our Facebook page. Click the banner below for the direct link to the review! As always, you can also send your review requests via email if you’d like to see something that we didn’t cover yet.
Hurry! Pre-order The Vintage Collection Jabba’s Palace Adventure Set with exclusive carded Han Solo (In Carbonite) and Ree-Yees! It probably won’t last long! Thanks to JTA reader Frank for the tip!
Name: Queen Amidala (Coruscant) • Collection: Episode I • Availability: June 1999
We have numerous reports from JTA readers that Amazon is cancelling Skiff preorders!. This is what the official email says:
Due to a lack of availability, we will not be able to obtain the following item(s) from your order:
“Star Wars The Vintage Collection – Episode VI Return of The Jedi – Jabba’S Tatooine Skiff Collectible Vehicle”
We’ve canceled the item(s) and apologize for the inconvenience. We must also apologize for the length of time it has taken us to reach this conclusion.
Either Hasbro underestimated demand or something else is going on here. Let’s hope anyone who wants a Skiff can eventually get one from any of the other etailers!
Hey Canada! Do you want the Retro Collection now and don’t have a TARGET near you? Well, we’ve learned that the Retro Collection will be available in Canada from at the end of May. Special thanks to JTA reader Jean C. for the information!
Holy cow. It’s going to be a great year of announcements as the community gears up to celebrate 40 years of The Empire Strikes Back. Are you ready to have your socks knocked off?
The Target exclusive Han Solo (Stormtrooper) The Vintage Collection figure is IN STOCK at
The Black Series [Phase III] 6″ Luke Skywalker (Death Star Escape) in IN STOCK at as of this posting!
JTA reader MiketheRatGuy sends us proof that his local Walmart has put the Galaxy Of Adventures figures on clearance for $3.00. We don’t know how widespread this is, but it could show the beginnings of a company-wide clearance. It’s impossible for this line to be a success. Collectors, the only people buying Star Wars figures in the greatest numbers, want super-articulated action figures.
The Mos Espa Encounter Cinema Scenes set is not great, but it does come with a fresh version of a particular character. See more in our Research Droids Reviews today! Be sure to leave your thoughts in our comments section, vote in the poll or comment about it on our Facebook page. Click the banner below for the direct link to the review! As always, you can also send your review requests via email if you’d like to see something that we didn’t cover yet.
You can pre-order the highly-anticipated The Black Series [Phase III] Luke Skywalker (X-wing Pilot) helmet RIGHT NOW on Amazon. It has an October ship date. Special Thanks to TC for the alert!
Name: Sio Bibble • Collection: Episode I • Availability: March 2000
Along with the already confirmed The Mandalorian and Cassian Andor series, Bob Igor announced a 3rd Live-Action Star Wars series for Disney+. No other information was revealed about this series. Check out the full article over at Entertainment Weekly. What’s on your wishlist? Let us know in the comments!
As we told you, many TARGET locations set aside the new Hasbro Star Wars exclusive items in a special section away from toys for a quasi-Father’s Day type of display. See image below for the proof. As you know, the merchandise sold out almost immediately. There is good news as well as a silver lining. Just after selling out hours on May 12th, Gary H.’s store received a new shipment of Retro Collection figures. Other merchandise is expected soon as well. Keep the faith!
BREAKING NEWS: David Benioff and D.B. Weiss’ “Star Wars” movie has been confirmed by Walt Disney Company chairman Bob Iger as the franchise’s next entry following the theatrical release of “Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker” later this year. (i.e. NOT Rian Johnson) Yahoo! News has the full story.
Wow, what a find…. Thanks to Chris from Arizona for sending this report. Some people have all the luck! As of now, most stores near me are still showing $19. Who knows if they’ll go down before they sell out at that price?
It’s hard to believe, but today is George Lucas’ 75th birthday. We wish the Maker the best and thank him for the legacy he left us. And we hope he consults the heck out of The Rise Of Skywalker.
The Watto’s Box Cinema Scenes set is stunning. Find out why you need one in our Research Droids Reviews today! Be sure to leave your thoughts in our comments section, vote in the poll or comment about it on our Facebook page. Click the banner below for the direct link to the review! As always, you can also send your review requests via email if you’d like to see something that we didn’t cover yet.
Chewbacca • Star Wars • 1978
Look Sir, Droids! We have a winner via random draw! We had 5 viewers guess the correct Phrase From our contest: Justin Saunders, Shagbert, Moondust, Mauricio Antunez, and Smitre. Click through to see who was picked to win the FREE Ubtech Stormtrooper and what you need to do to claim the prize.
Tonight we are adding to our Visual Guides the recently released Target exclusive Luke Skywalker (Death Star Escape) 6-inch figure from The Black Series [Phase III]. Click below for our fully detailed guide page, and make sure to also check out our full review of this figure right here.
SH Figuarts released Count Dooku in April. My figure finally arrived today, time to take a good look at the latest prequel figure from SHF! So click through for my thoughts about SH Figuarts Count Dooku!
Name: Rune Haako • Collection: Episode I • Availability: July 1999
Do you need the Retro Collection NOW? eBay seller tunghori has them for $9.99 and Grand Moff Tarkin for $14.99! Get them while you can if you’re interested!
Being friends with Bob Iger sure has its perks. For example, your get your own very private tour of Galaxy’s Edge without the distraction of other people crowding the place. Click through for two more photos!
The Luke Skywalker (Death Star Escape) 6″ figure is gorgeous, even if it is an extremely scene-specific figure. See more in our Research Droids Reviews today! Be sure to leave your thoughts in our comments section, vote in the poll or comment about it on our Facebook page. Click the banner below for the direct link to the review! As always, you can also send your review requests via email if you’d like to see something that we didn’t cover yet.
A lot of great stuff was released today at TARGET. It appears most of you had success getting your stuff too! You can catch up and read about everything released today by clicking these links. Click HERE for the entire Retro Collection run. Click HERE for The Vintage Collection Han Solo (Stormtrooper) (VC143) figure. Click HERE for The Black Series [Phase III] Luke Skywalker (Death Star Escape) 6″ figure.
Artoo-Detoo (R2-D2) • Star Wars • 1978
Name: Darth Sidious (Holograph) • Collection: Episode I • Availability: December 1999
Jedi Temple Archives wishes our readers who are mothers a very Happy Mother’s Day. We’d also like to wish a general Happy Mother’s Day to all who are impacted by those with love for Star Wars. The importance of your role in your children’s lives is immeasurable. Thank you for what you do!
The Jabba The Hutt With 2-Headed Announcer creature set gave us our first “concept” Episode I figure. But the rest of the set is a mess. See more in our Research Droids Reviews today! Be sure to leave your thoughts in our comments section, vote in the poll or comment about it on our Facebook page. Click the banner below for the direct link to the review! As always, you can also send your review requests via email if you’d like to see something that we didn’t cover yet.
Today Target ‘officially’ released several highly anticipated Star Wars items. In case you have been living in a hole, May 12 is the drop date for The Vintage Collection Han Solo (Stormtrooper), The Black Series Luke Skywalker (Death Star Escape), The Retro Collection Escape From Death Star game (with Grand Moff Tarkin), and the complete wave 1 from the Retro Collection.
So, how did you fare on your hunt? Did your store have plenty, or were the shelves cleared out quickly? Let us know in the comments!
You can also order the Luke Skywalker (Death Star Escape) The Black Series 6-Inch figure at
You can now order the Target exclusive Han Solo (Stormtrooper) The Vintage Collection figure at
You can now officially order the Escape from Death Star Board Game from Thanks to all that wrote in to let us know!
Name: Adi Gallia • Collection: Episode I • Availability: May 1999
Check out the latest newsletter from JTA sponsor Brian’s Toys…
This week we have added a bunch of vintage Star Wars boxed/loose items! Be sure to keep an eye out in the coming weeks for some rare vintage Star Wars that will be marked in stock *cough*cough* Carded Vinyl Cape Jawa *Cough* POTF Carded Anakin
Did you successfully secure the Walmart exclusive The Vintage Collection Jabba’s Palace (Adventure Set)? Well, if you didn’t, you might be in for some disappointment. Aside from pre-order cancellations and declined credit cards, the stock available online is now depleted, that is unless an order for more is placed (which may or may not happen depending upon what Walmart sees fit for this item). Later this Fall, select stores will receive an allotment as well. Should any of this information change, we’ll be sure to post an update for you. P.S. The blockbuster success of this item is really, really good news.
Chris Avellone, one of the writers for the upcoming EA Star Wars Game Jedi: Fallen Order and former lead writer for KOTOR II, talked about returning to the Star Wars franchise after a long time and also shared his opinion on The Last Jedi in an interview with website VGC. Click through for the full story!
We’re returning back to celebrating the 20th Anniversary of The Phantom Menace! Let’s move forward with the super-rare Episode I Eopie And Qui-Gon Jinn creatures et. It’s a lot of fun. See more in our Research Droids Reviews today! Be sure to leave your thoughts in our comments section, vote in the poll or comment about it on our Facebook page. Click the banner below for the direct link to the review! As always, you can also send your review requests via email if you’d like to see something that we didn’t cover yet.
Name: Anakin Skywalker (Tatooine) • Collection: Episode I • Availability: May 1999
Data scientist Mark White has set up a Star Wars survey that wants to examine what both casual and hardcore fans think about the Star Wars franchise. This survey is not linked to Lucasfilm or any other company, rather, it’s a side project of Mark’s, who is a Star Wars fan himself.
The survey takes about 10 minutes. You will be asked about your opinion on the movies, the characters (and where applicable you get to choose how much you like the same character in the OT, PT or ST), there are also some political questions. Mark promised to share the results with us. I believe this survey could provide us with a very interesting snapshot of the current state of Star Wars fandom. The last scientific Star Wars survey I know of is from December 2017 (by Morning Consult), before The Last Jedi was released. This new survey can give us an important update, especially in light of what happened after The Last Jedi. So I ask you to please take the time for the survey! Also, you are encouraged to share the link, so as many people as possible can take it.
What a disaster! The Walmart Exclusive Entertainment Earth Exclusive ROSS Exclusive Resistance A-wing Fighter (Red Squadron) vehicle didn’t have a chance. Will you ever get one for your collection? Who knows! See more in our Research Droids Reviews today! Be sure to leave your thoughts in our comments section, vote in the poll or comment about it on our Facebook page. Click the banner below for the direct link to the review! As always, you can also send your review requests via email if you’d like to see something that we didn’t cover yet.
We are closing out our Visual Guide updates from the Retro Collection with the addition of Han Solo. Click below to check out the full Visual Guide, and click here to visit our review page.
As you know, there are four major releases this Sunday at TARGET. The already popular Retro Collection figures will make their debut (and have already shipped from online if you’ve pre-ordered them). The second big release is The Vintage Collection Han Solo (Stormtrooper) figure. The third is The Black Series [Phase III] 6″ Luke Skywalker (Death Star Escape) figure with slicked-back wet hair. Lastly, the Escape From Death Star Board Game with exclusive Grand Moff Tarkin is also an official release May 12th.
JTA reader Lisa lets us know that her TVC repacked/repainted figures arrived perfectly from Hasbro Pulse. They’re also IN STOCK if you’re interested.
Name: Darth Maul (Jedi Duel) • Collection: Episode I • Availability: May 1999
We don’t often share LEGO news here, but I get weekly email notifications from the LEGO Ideas website, and this week they announced the finalists for their recent Star Wars battles challenge. I personally like the Assault on Tosche Station and Battle of Endor Chess set. Which one is your favorite? Let us know in the comments!
Ever since the new Star Wars movie release schedule was announced by Disney fans have been wondering whose movies we’re going to get: Rian Johnson’s or Benioff & Weiss’. ABC correspondent Clayton Sandell asked Lucasfilm just about that. And this is what he posted on Twitter:
We asked, but Lucasfilm is not yet saying if the new
#StarWars films planned for 2022, 2024 and 2026 are part of the previously-announced Rian Johnson trilogy or the series from “Game of Thrones” producers David Benioff and D.B. Weiss.
In my opinion this can only mean one thing: Lucasfilm hasn’t decided yet. If everything was already set in motion they could have announced at least which name is attached to the movies. That they didn’t doesn’t necessarily mean that plans are going to change. But I wouldn’t be completely surprised that when we get the announcement neither Johnson nor Benioff & Weiss will make the movies. I suppose Celebration Anaheim in 2020 is the earliest we will learn more. Maybe there’s still hope we’ll get movies by Favreau and Filoni instead.
And now we’re finishing up the first wave of the Retro Collection! Let’s wrap things up with Han Solo complete with ALL NEW IMAGES ADDED including the Kenner Death Star, figure and weapon comparison shots, and updated galleries and Collector Notes. This one isn’t as perfect as the others. See more in our Research Droids Reviews today! Be sure to leave your thoughts in our comments section, vote in the poll or comment about it on our Facebook page. Click the banner below for the direct link to the review! As always, you can also send your review requests via email if you’d like to see something that we didn’t cover yet.
We have a sneak peek of the (Walmart Exclusive Entertainment Earth Exclusive ROSS Exclusive) Resistance A-wing Fighter (Red Squadron) vehicle. This vehicle has gone through quite a journey, hasn’t it? It’s unknown what happened that it never ended up at the first two retails it was intended for, and perhaps we’ll never know. The paint job is barely red (it doesn’t look that red) and it also comes with the first black female Resistance pilot. The review is coming soon, but you can check out the Photo Gallery now.
Check out the Retro Collection’s Stormtrooper figure, our latest Visual Guide update. Click below to have a look at our full Visual Guide, and make sure to also check out our full review. Are you liking these figures? Join in the discussion on our review page!
There are some fantastic figure updates in The Vintage Collection, and we’re happy to see Hasbro putting forth the effort on these figures. Hasbro is knocking it out of the park when it comes to applying “photorealistic” technology to the super-articulated 3.75″ action figures, and one of the standouts is the 41st Elite Corps Clone Trooper. This Entertainment Earth exclusive is one that SHOULD be in your collection. Hasbro released the character previously with incorrect deco but nailed it this time around. We think it’s worth checking out this figure for a second time. And we hope you reconsider adding it to your collection if you don’t have it secured yet. Currently, it’s in stock at site sponsor Entertainment Earth and you can pre-order yours HERE. It’s doing so well that it’s exceeding expectations. Many collectors are finding out about this best-kept secret. Don’t let it be a secret for you! Click the image below for our full review of it.
Princess Leia Organa • Star Wars • 1978
Spanish company ASIS Film Models is known for making custom Star Wars figures. These are made from resin and hand-painted. The sets are extremely limited. Of course, these figures come at a price. But if you are a TVC collector who wants to add some all new figures to your collection from the sequel trilogy, which Hasbro will probably never make, then the ASIS figures may be of interest for you! Click through for some more info! Thanks to JTA regular Darth Rizzen for the alert!
Perhaps FU doesn’t stand for the “Force Unleashed” as far as this former Toys R Us exclusive Figure Pack from the Legacy Collection is concerned. See the madness on eBay.
Name: TC-14 Protocol Droid • Collection: Episode I • Availability: February 2000
YouTube Channel FXitinPost has released their very own reimagining and recreation of the duel on the Death Star between Obi-Wan and Darth Vader. While the original duel was quite static and short, this reimagined duel adds many new scenes and is more in line with what we saw in the prequels or in Rogue One. Some of the CGI does look a bit wonky here and there (this is made by fans who don’t have the budget of ILM), but the overall result is quite impressive. How do you like this reimagined scene?
Here’s a couple of deals to fill some holes if you need them. The Black Series 6″ figures for $4.99 as part of today’s Entertainment Earth Daily Deals:
We’re continuing our look at the first wave of the Retro Collection! Let’s move right along with the Stormtrooper complete with ALL NEW IMAGES ADDED including the Kenner Death Star, figure and weapon comparison shots, and updated galleries and Collector Notes. This might be the best of the first wave. See more in our Research Droids Reviews today! Be sure to leave your thoughts in our comments section, vote in the poll or comment about it on our Facebook page. Click the banner below for the direct link to the review! As always, you can also send your review requests via email if you’d like to see something that we didn’t cover yet.
Up next for our Retro Collection Visual Guide updates is Darth Vader. Click below to visit our full Visual Guide. You can also check out our full review of this figure right here.
Name: Darth Sidious • Collection: Episode I • Availability: May 1999
eBay seller tunghori has added the TARGET exclusive TVC Han Solo (Stormtrooper) if you’re interested. Special thanks to JTA reader Mark for the alert!
BREAKING NEWS! New Star Wars trilogy/three new films coming 2022! What could this mean? io9 has the full story!
We’re continuing our look at the first wave of the Retro Collection! Let’s move right along with Darth Vader complete with ALL NEW IMAGES ADDED including figure and weapon comparison shots, new displays with vintage Kenner playsets and vehicles, and updated galleries and Collector Notes. This might be the best of the first wave. See more in our Research Droids Reviews today! Be sure to leave your thoughts in our comments section, vote in the poll or comment about it on our Facebook page. Click the banner below for the direct link to the review! As always, you can also send your review requests via email if you’d like to see something that we didn’t cover yet.
Chewbacca is our next entry in the Retro Collection Visual Guide. Click below to check out the guide page. Make sure to also check out our full review for additional photos and discussion.
eBay seller tunghori is back in business and he restocked his store! Check out the stock!
I have to admit something: I don’t watch Game of Thrones. I used to watch it but gave up several years ago when I realized I found the series to be boring (all the talking, and then some more talking…), nihilistic (I really hate it when people you root for die all the freaking time!) and generally nothing I really enjoy (because of all the endless talking and dying). However, every now and then I do read about the series or I watch a YouTube review about Game of Thrones. Just to have a general idea of what’s going on, and to know how it all ends.
But ever since season 8 began a few weeks ago I have noticed a serious increase in complaints about the writing and general direction of the show, with some people comparing the Night King episode to “The Last Jedi”, and it wasn’t meant as a compliment. So I wonder… are Benioff & Weiss really up to the task of writing a Star Wars movie trilogy? After reading so many negative things about the show lately I am somewhat worried! I would like to get your thoughts and feedback here. So leave your comments and I am looking forward to discussing Benioff & Weiss with you. And if you need to talk about Game of Thrones, do so, but let’s try to focus on the upcoming Benioff & Weiss Star Wars trilogy and whether or not you think the two if them are the right people for the project.
eBay seller tunghori is back in business and he restocked his store! Check out the stock!
Name: Jar Jar Binks (Naboo Swamp) • Collection: Episode I • Availability: February 2000
Wow! I had no idea these vintage speeder bikes existed until today! The current bid for this auction is over $800. Did you have one of these when you were a kid? Would you buy something like this for your youngins if Hasbro reproduced something like it? I sure would. Heck, I might buy a second one for me! Tell us your thoughts/reminiscences in the comments!
The 3.75″ Star Wars collecting community is divided on the Retro Collection. So, I am going to give you a reality check.
We’re continuing our look at the first wave of the Retro Collection! Let’s move right along with Chewbacca with ALL NEW IMAGES ADDED including figure and weapon comparison shots, new displays with vintage Kenner playsets and vehicles, and updated galleries and Collector Notes. He’s a little short for a Wookiee. See more in our Research Droids Reviews today! Be sure to leave your thoughts in our comments section, vote in the poll or comment about it on our Facebook page. Click the banner below for the direct link to the review! As always, you can also send your review requests via email if you’d like to see something that we didn’t cover yet.
Up next for our Retro Collection Visual Guide updates is Princess Leia Organa. Click below for our complete Visual Guide, and click here for our complete review analysis.
UPDATE: Comments are now closed for the contest. Click through to see the revealed phrase and see if you guessed correct. Hint: we had 5 correct guesses. These will be entered into a random drawing and a winner will be posted tomorrow.
Thanks again to Ubtech for offering to send one of our viewers this cool collectible!
JTA has teamed up with Ubtech to give away a FREE Ubtech First Order Stormtrooper Robot. Click through to see how you can enter to win!
Name: Jar Jar Binks • Collection: Episode I • Availability: May 1999 has most figures available for pre-order from The Vintage Collection Wave 22. Click below for direct links. Thanks to JTA reader Tony for the alert!
If you haven’t found it in stores yet, or just don’t like leaving your house, you can order the Retro Collection Escape From Death Star Game on Thanks to JTA reader Craig for the alert!
What would Star Wars be without the space ships? The iconic Millennium Falcon, Star Destroyer, X-Wing, TIE-Fighter and of course the Death Star are all instantly recognizable and have become pop culture icons.
But what if you want to collect Star Wars space ships? Well, there are of course various Hasbro toys that focus on playability and are neither accurately proportioned nor collectibles in the true sense, and Hasbro mostly focuses on the smaller ships. Then there are the Hot Wheels ships, but these are tiny. There are also various model kits, but model kits are a niche and not everyone has the patience or skill to put together a kit and paint it. Both Bandai and Revell offer model kits, there are also various “snaptite” kits that are very, very easy to assemble and even come with some electronics and some pre-painted parts. But still, these are very, very basic and come with very little paint. And they are still model kits. So I think we may have some untapped potential here! Click through for some thoughts about a Star Wars space ship / vehicle toyline!
Lucasfilm has revealed the complete Journey To Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker publishing program. Check out what you can expect in the form of comics, books, and more over at, and expect pre-orders for the titles to begin next week.
We’re continuing our look at the first wave of the Retro Collection! Let’s continue with Princess Leia Organa with ALL NEW IMAGES ADDED including figure and weapon comparison shots, new displays with vintage Kenner playsets and vehicles, and updated galleries and Collector Notes. It’s the focus of our Research Droids Reviews today! Be sure to leave your thoughts in our comments section, vote in the poll or comment about it on our Facebook page. Click the banner below for the direct link to the review! As always, you can also send your review requests via email if you’d like to see something that we didn’t cover yet.
It’s time to take a look at the Retro Collection addition to our Visual Guides! First up is Luke Skywalker. Click below to check out our complete Visual Guide, and make sure to head on over to our review for this figure for complete details, analysis, and discussion!
To further add insult to injury or salt in the wound or whatever other metaphor you’d like to use, I received an email hours after the SWCC exclusives debacle from Hasbro Pulse. It alerted me that I left two items in my cart and it provided a link where I could click and be taken to my cart and finish the checkout. See what happened when I clicked the link to check out my purchase by clicking through.
JTA reader Aldo S. shares a blog post by his wife entitled “Tales From The Wife Of A Star Wars Addict.” We suggest you check it out!
Luke Skywalker • Star Wars • 1978
If you’re wondering who bought all of the Hasbro Pulse SWCC TBS6 Darth Maul and Obi-Wan Kenobi exclusives, you needn’t look any further than here! eBay is always a great place for unwanted and scalped stock! Congratulations to those of you who are able to skip this channel to secure these figures for your collections!
Name: Senator Palpatine • Collection: Episode I • Availability: May 1999
Hasbro SWCC exclusives go up for pre-order at 1 PM EDT on Hasbro Pulse!
Here’s the official press release featuring the new music composed by John Williams for Disney’s Galaxy’s Edge.
Today, I’m excited to share with you the latest news from Disney in Celebration of May the 4th! We have a great collection of new offerings that are sure to excite Star Wars fans everywhere. Attached is the newest record label image from John Williams’ Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge music now available on Apple Music, and below are additional pieces of how to celebrate Star Wars at the Parks and around the world.
Precisely ONE YEAR AGO today we began our run of vintage Kenner Research Droids Reviews. Because the vintage Kenner line served as the catalyst which shaped our hearts and minds as Star Wars collectors, it makes total sense that they were one of our most successful columns here in the history of Jedi Temple Archives. Our readers recounted numerous childhood stories and events of what made the vintage Kenner Star Wars toy line what it was and why it has left an indelible mark on their lives. Because of the column’s success, we’ve decided to relaunch the series, with every review posted on the anniversary of its first publishing in 2018. If you’re new to the site or you’d like to relive these fantastic figures, galleries, and infinite details, please partake once again. It seems appropriate to do this with the launch of the Retro Collection. As a bonus, we’re updating the best “Hasbro Modern Counterpart” should any of the original choices changed. Stay tuned for the first “re-release” today! Thanks again for making the column a roaring success.
Make sure to stop by to check out their extensive range of licensed Star Wars apparel, including the latest logo shirts from this year’s big media events! I received my The Mandalorian shirt this week just in time to celebrate May the 4th! Now through May 5th (at 11:59 pm PST) use coupon code MT4 for 15% off Star Wars apparel!
Created especially to celebrate Star Wars Day, check out these officially licensed Star Wars Original Trilogy posters. Available only at This set is only available through Sunday, May 5th at midnight. Click through for more details and images…
Here are some fun Star Wars-themed Easter Eggs from Alexa to help enjoy May the 4th …
Wow! This is fascinating! Entertainment Earth has rescued the remaining units from Toys R Us of The Black Series [Phase III] 6″ Commander Gree figure. Order it if you missed out the first time! It arrives in September! This presale could also be a reorder, but we imagine that’s very unlikely.
We’re changing gears from Episode I for about a week to focus on May The Fourth and the Retro Collection! Check out Luke Skywalker with ALL NEW IMAGES ADDED including figure and weapon comparison shots, displays with vintage Kenner playsets and vehicles, and updated galleries and Collector Notes. It’s the focus of our Research Droids Reviews today! Be sure to leave your thoughts in our comments section, vote in the poll or comment about it on our Facebook page. Click the banner below for the direct link to the review! As always, you can also send your review requests via email if you’d like to see something that we didn’t cover yet.
The Vintage Collection Imperial Stormtrooper is coming in solid case packs! Site sponsor Entertainment Earth has put up the Imperial Stormtrooper for pre-order. Get them while their hot! They ship in June.
We’ve only started our celebration of The Phantom Menace 20th Anniversary, today, but we’d be remiss if we didn’t leave a place for you to recall your memories of Midnight Madness at Toys R Us on May 3rd before the day was over. Please share your memories, experiences, what you bought, and any images you may have. We look forward to reading everything!
Tonight’s Visual Guide update features the Walmart exclusive Lando Calrissian (Skiff Guard) (VC144). Click below for our full Visual Guide, and click here to check out our full review. This figure is also still in stock and available to order right here.
Hey! Have any of you see the latest Galaxy Of Adventures episode? It’s based on Return Of The Jedi and features a puppet version of Sy Snootles and the beloved Lapti Nek soundtrack. Hey, Hasbro here is your opportunity to redo the Max Rebel Band. It’s been featured in new Star Wars Entertainment. And don’t forget to make Sy Snootles based on the puppet and not that CGI abomination! You can even take the opportunity to update Max Rebo’s lower body appropriately! Oh, and of course, reproduce the original vintage Kenner packaging of this set too! Thanks to JTA reader Binary_Son for the alert to this!
The beautiful music composed by John Williams for Disney’s Galaxy’s Edge has been released in a buyable format. Purchase it through Amazon, iTunes, or Google Play. Or if you’re like me and don’t buy individual songs anymore, listen to it on Spotify here.
In case you missed any of it, here is the recap of The Vintage Collection wave 21. This great group of figures received updated galleries and a ton of discussion from our community. Be sure to add your two cents HERE if you missed any of it!
Name: Ki-Adi-Mundi • Collection: Episode I • Availability: May 1999
Question. Actually, two questions. Question #1: Should The Vintage Collection Ree-Yees (VC137) and Han Solo (Carbonite) (VC136) from Jabba’s Palace (Adventure Set) receive VC numbers part of the regular lineup, or should they instead receive a number more similar to the one given to Yak Face from Jabba’s Sail Barge (The Khetanna) (VC000)? Do you find it bothersome in any way that figures part of the basic figure numbering system are exclusive to playset? I suppose the same would apply to retailer exclusives like Lando Calrissian (Skiff Guard) (VC144) and Han Solo (Stormtrooper) (VC143) as well.
Question #2: Should Han Solo (Carbonite) (VC136) have been part of this set? Shouldn’t Hasbro have added the redone magnetic carbonite block as an accessory here and instead included another Jabba’s palace alien? The reason I bring this up is that Han Solo is based on his appearance from The Empire Strikes Back and not Return Of The Jedi. Oh, and if you think neither of these questions is important, please skip over this post. Thanks.
We’re launching our The Phantom Menace 20th Anniversary celebration with the FAO Schwarz exclusive Fambaa With Shield Generator And Gungan Warrior set. It’s beautiful. See more in our Research Droids Reviews today! Be sure to leave your thoughts in our comments section, vote in the poll or comment about it on our Facebook page. Click the banner below for the direct link to the review! As always, you can also send your review requests via email if you’d like to see something that we didn’t cover yet.
We have the final figure from wave 21 ready for our Visual Guides. Check out the repacked Captain Phasma (VC142) Visual Guide by clicking below, and click here to see what we had to say about this figure in our complete review.
It is with sadness I share a report from our friends at Fantha Tracks, that the wonderful Peter Mayhew who, as we know, portrayed Chewbacca in A New Hope, has passed away today. Follow this link for an official statement from The Kurtz Joiner Archive…
Pre-order The Vintage Collection Jabba’s Palace Adventure Set with exclusive carded Han Solo (In Carbonite) and Ree-Yees figures. As of this post, it’s back in stock!
We’re only hours away from beginning our month-long celebration of the 20th Anniversary of The Phantom Menace JTA style! At midnight, which is the 20th anniversary of Toys R Us’ Midnight Madness Event, we’re launching all-new Episode I-focused Research Droids Reviews. Additionally, we’re posting a “FlashBack” CommTech review of a past basic figure already in our database.
The Star Wars Celebration exclusives go up for sale May the 4th on Hasbro Pulse at 1 PM.
JTA reader Matthew Z. found the TARGET exclusive TVC Han Solo (Stormtrooper) figure at his local store and was able to purchase it! If you need to know why you ABSOLUTELY NEED this figure in your collection, check out our review of it RIGHT HERE!
Well, this is the bum figure in wave 21. Why in the world would Hasbro reissue Captain Phasma without an updated portrait or the quicksilver batons from the 5POA release? This character needed a desperate update in the 3.75″ super-articulated range, and we didn’t get it. See more in our Research Droids Reviews today! Be sure to leave your thoughts in our comments section, vote in the poll or comment about it on our Facebook page. Click the banner below for the direct link to the review! As always, you can also send your review requests via email if you’d like to see something that we didn’t cover yet.
Nope. Get it out of your head. The thrice-stocked and sold out within less than 48 hours fairly-priced Walmart exclusive TVC Jabba’s Palace Adventure Set has NOTHING to do with it being an Original Trilogy focused set with super-articulated 3.75″ action figures packed inside of it while covered in vintage Kenner packaging. Not at all. So just drop it already. You’re wrong.
We have a sneak peek of the first wave of Retro Collection figures for you to see. I love these things. But what a shame that Hasbro didn’t launch this line for the 40th anniversary of Star Wars. I hope they take the line as far as possible. Droids, Ewoks, unproduced vintage Kenner figures are only the beginning. And I would LOVE to see 1985 The Power Of The Force figures added as well. Right now they’re exclusively available at TARGET beginning May 12th, but they will have more widespread availability later this year in the Fall. Check them out and leave your thought about them in our review pages!
The Vintage Collection wave 21 features a few straight repacks. The Elite Praetorian Guard (VC138) is one of them. Click below to check out our Visual Guide for this figure. Make sure to also check out our full review.
Hasbro sent out a PRESS RELEASE clearing up some confusion about the first wave of Retro Collection figures. They are NOT exclusive to TARGET. They will be available at other specialty outlets later in the Fall.
(HASBRO/Age: 4 & up/Approx. Retail Price: $9.99/Available: Spring 2019)
Inspired by STAR WARS ‘70s-style action figures, the STAR WARS RETRO COLLECTION 3.75-inch-scale figures feature Kenner-style figure design and detailing, and make a great addition to any nostalgic fan’s STAR WARS collection. Imagine the excitement of the ‘70s when the STAR WARS original trilogy had just begun, and Kenner began releasing classic STAR WARS figures for avid fans of the space saga. With figures inspired by the original sculpt and design of the ‘70s, the STAR WARS RETRO COLLECTION lets fans and collectors continue their collection from a galaxy far, far away! Characters in this assortment include LUKE SKYWALKER, DARTH VADER, PRINCESS LEIA, CHEWBACCA, HAN SOLO, and STORMTROOPER. Each sold separately. Available exclusively at Target and on 5/12/2019 and at most fan channel retailers nationwide in Fall 2019.
The May the 4th discounts are starting early at Star Wars Authentics! Celebrate Star Wars Day all week with 30% off official photos and savings of 10-50% off authentic autographs.
Check out authentic autographs from over 25 signers at discounted prices here.
Shop the full range of photos from across the saga here.
We anticipate very soon that the Walmart exclusive The Vintage Collection Lando Calrissian (Skiff Guard) will be placed at the correct MSRP of $12.99. For those of you waiting to purchase this after the price calibration, you can click the image below to see if it has been updated.
UPDATE: Lando Calrissian (Skiff Guard) is officially back to $12.99!
The Vintage Collection repacks with new “photorealistic” deco are BACK IN STOCK at Amazon!! A couple of them have “used-good” options if you were planning on opening them anyway.
Click HERE for Darth Vader
Click HERE for Han Solo (Echo Base)
Click HERE for Luke Skywalker (Endor)
Click HERE for Princess Leia (Hoth)
Hurry! Pre-order The Vintage Collection Jabba’s Palace Adventure Set with exclusive carded Han Solo (In Carbonite) and Ree-Yees!
Update: Back IN STOCK for the time being!
NEW IMAGES ADDED INCLUDING COMPARISON SHOTS! Here come the straight repacks again! The Elite Praetorian Guard is an incredible action figure, but did we need it repackaged in The Vintage Collection? Find out more in our Research Droids Reviews today! Be sure to leave your thoughts in our comments section, vote in the poll or comment about it on our Facebook page. Click the banner below for the direct link to the review! As always, you can also send your review requests via email if you’d like to see something that we didn’t cover yet.
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