Clone Trooper (SL04) - Hasbro - Legacy Collection (2009)
Star Wars Collectible News, Photos, and Reviews

Toy Run Tuesday #27 - Lars and Erso Homesteads and Toy Photography!

This week in Star Wars was pretty good! I took some photos of my toys, put up a shelf, and added a great piece to my collection! Click here to check out the photos, and be sure to leave your finds this week in the comments!


Quite a few things to share with you all today! First off is a Christmas present that didn’t make it’s way into the previous TRT’s. The Lars Homestead is now part of my collection. I think I will customize the set to be a little more weathered and a lot less shiny. Now to find a place to put it…

I added a shelf in our craft room and put a sequel trilogy display using some custom characters and ones from the movies. Gungi and Luke make a good duo.

Lastly for this issue I wanted to share a couple photos I took of my toys.

Down the way from me is a wash, and it has rained quite a lot in the last couple weeks, so the edges of the wash had been eroded by the water. It made a perfect miniature natural bridge, and a great canyon for an ambush.

I live in a rural area now, and there is a farm across the street from my neighborhood. It made for a great backdrop for Krennic and his squad of Death Troopers to land. Unfortunately there is no TVC Krennic, but for this one instance, the boring “standing there” pose that 5poa can accomplish came in useful! I really love how the photo turned out.

That’s all for this one, folks. Please share your hauls, photos, customs, and anything else collection related in the comments below!

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