We have a sneak peek for you on the next wave of The Vintage Collection. Check out Cara Dune (VC164), The Mandalorian (VC166) and the Remnant Stormtrooper (VC165). This is one solid wave, and one of Hasbro’s finest in a VERY long time. Cara Dune is excellent. She looks a little bit too much like Mandy Moore, but you probably won’t care. She comes with the dagger, but it’s permanently attached to her boot unfortunately. The Mandalorian is another excellent release. The paint operations look off in a few spots, but again, you need to have a discriminating eye to see the issues. The Remnant Stormtrooper is what it is, and that’s an excellent new version of the Rogue One Imperial Stormtrooper. Hasbro went cheap on the deco on the figure’s posterior. They should have pulled out all the stops and made the figure as filthy as possible. All figures come with 30 points of articulation. Anyway, reviews are coming very shortly, so check out the complete galleries and dioramic shots RIGHT NOW!
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3.75-inch Super-Articulated Cara Dune Hasbro Kenner Remnant Stormtrooper The Mandalorian The Vintage Collection
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