Hey Hasbro! Your art department has some work to do on the upcoming The ViIntage Collection Luke Skywalker (Jedi Knight) figure. (Thank you for releasing this long-awaited figure by the way.) While we received this card art on the first edition Luke Skywalker (Endor Capture) figure from 2010, it’s nice to see everything corrected and in place for this ultimate release. However, there is ONE major error we’re hoping you can fix to help authenticate the original vintage Kenner release from 1983. To our readers, by comparing the thumbnail images below, can you see what differs between the two of them? If not, click through for the answer!
For one reason or another, Kenner in 1983 believed that the Ishi Tib’s head conflicted with Luke SKywalker’s head, and the “Photoshopped” it out. In all honesty, Luke’s head does look more prominent with the Ishi Tib head remove. SO Hasbro, would you recreate this effect for The Vintage Collection release so that the card art is accurately preserved in the modern line? You got the name-pill text correct. Why not get everything corrected?
See the original vintage Kenner 1983 ROTJ Luke Skywalker (Jedi Knight) gallery HERE.
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