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Watch Adam Savage Assembling A Thermal Detonator Kit

Adam Savage’s “Tested” YouTube Channel recently posted a video of him assembling a commercially available Thermal Detonator kit (currently sold out, you can be put on a waiting list). While we here on JTA focus on toys and action figures there are also many fans who collect prop replicas, from lightsaber handles and blasters to things like thermal detonators.
Adam Savage usually builds things from scratch, but this time he uses a thermal detonator kit designed by KR Sabers and One Replicas. It comes with electronics and looks pretty much like the “real” thing used in the movie. Click the image below to watch the video! It’s somewhat long, 20 minutes or so, but what better way is there to pass the time, when many of us need to stay at home anyway. And if you watch the video all the way through to the end Adam will share a funny anecdote about the time he was tasked with designing a thermal detonator for Master Replicas and he was allowed to actually handle the original prop used in the movie at the Ranch.
Do you collect prop replicas? And if so… which ones? Lightsabers? Blasters? Other things?

Adam Savage with a Master Replica Thermal Detonator

Adam Savage with a thermal detonator – click image to watch the video

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