A couple of days ago, online retailer Dorkside Toys dropped a bombshell of news in Rebelscum’s forums. There has been much debate over whether Hasbro is giving The Vintage Collection the attention it needs and deserves (spoiler: they’re not) and Dorkside Toys relays information that surprises and counters the echo chamber you hear elsewhere. Click through for more.
Dorkside Toys flat-out states that The Vintage Collection outsells The Black Series 6″ line and it’s not even close.
“I’m going to preface my comments here by saying we’re just having a discussion and in no way am I attacking you or anyone who disagrees with what I’m telling you. I’m a fan, I work in the toy business and my company sells in excess of 7 figures a year in Hasbro Star Wars product. I’m privy to information that is not given to the public and we work with Hasbro directly.
As a fan I agree with you and I’m equally frustrated by the limited number of new releases. We all want more TVC. As a company we sell far more TVC than we do Black Series. And it’s honestly not even close. I’ll go a step further and also say that as fan I’m just as pissed as anyone when I hear Hasbro give reply with a thoughtless tone deaf comment that we’re “meeting demand” when it’s obvious that they are not!”
A few short years ago, I was given almost opposite information by Dorkside Toys. But at the time, TVC was only in its re-infancy. Clearly, with excellent OT-based products, and now The Mandalorian and Rogue One products coming out, 3.75″ fans are buying A LOT. Gee Hasbro, do you think if you produced more of this stuff, sales would continue to climb sky-high maybe?
It’s time to focus on the Original Trilogy, The Clone Wars, The Mandalorian, and Rogue One. And finish The Kenner 96 as soon as possible, please.
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