As you can probably gather by the title of this week’s TRT, I got some clones this week! Captains, ARC troopers, Commanders, Purge troopers, oh my! Check out a few photos by clicking here, and then share some photos of your clone trooper collection in the comments below!
Welcome back to another Tuesday, Toy Runners. This week I got a wonderful lot of clone troopers from a local seller. A few I might use as trade bait as I’m looking for some Force Unleashed figures and a couple clones like Commander Thorn.
The pilot made it into my ARC-170 fighter. I did take the Commander Deviss in the background there and turned him into an ARC trooper with some parts I got on eBay a long time ago. The fin on the helmet is sculpted. I did put the backpack on upside-down by accident, but somehow I like it like this.
Lastly I made a second purge trooper. Now I have a Commander and an electrostaff trooper. This would be an excellent choice for an armory pack like the sith trooper.
So there you have it! My week in Star Wars. If you don’t have any new acquisitions, I’d love to see some photos of your clone trooper collections in the comments below!
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