Have you noticed a lack of product at your local retailers like TARGET and WALMART? Aside from leftovers of the TBS6 [P3] Wedge Antilles wave, a couple of 40th Anniversary Lando Calrissian figures at TARGET, and mostly nothing at WALMART, aisles are bare of Star Wars products. Many factors can be blamed, from Coronavirus to online sales, but you have to wonder why retail cannot even keep SOMETHING on their shelves to represent this landmark event! The below image is from my local TARGET, and it has looked like this for over seven weeks now (aside from the Imperial Probe Droid which one arrived damaged and hasn’t sold since). And don’t get me started on The Vintage Collection which I haven’t seen at this location since 2019. Thank goodness for online, huh? It makes you wonder why Hasbro needs brick and mortar and at all.