Did you blink and miss the TARGET pre-orders this morning? You’re not alone. Complain about Walmart all you want, but at least new products last longer than 90 seconds to place a pre-order. Yes, they have room for improvement too. Whether the numbers for the three new Galaxy’s Edge items revealed today are lower in production or not, Hasbro needs to work with retailers more closely and put things into place to help meet the demand. JTA reader RYOGAM left a comment with a very reasonable and intelligible option for these pre-orders. Click through to see what he suggested. In the comments, let us know what you think about his idea, or if you have other suggestions too.
It’s sold out because Hasbro is getting screwed by retailers. They need to force retailers go to a pre-order to creation system like they are using on Habropulse for the S.E. Cobra Commander and Pimp Daddy Destro figures and the Sentinel. Retailers need to be told that they must have a pre-order window of 30-45 days and that they will order from Hasbro however many pre-orders there are (with some extra for returns due to damage) and fulfill each and every one and then they may order any additional items they wish to carry in their stores, and if they cannot do this, then Hasbropulse will. Hasbro is losing money and sales to these retailers who only want to use these items to force people to search their stores in person in the hopes they buy something else. By making them impossible to find, they force people to go again and again to the store to find it and Hasbro risks losing money from sales. I refuse to do that. Why should Hasbro lose money because Target is manipulating customers? Hasbropulse has the potential to make millions for Hasbro, especially as word gets out that if you want a toy, and know when it’s on Pulse, you will get it, even if you have to wait slightly longer to get it.
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