The Black Series [Phase III] 6″ collectors are getting a taste of what happens to a long-running Star Wars line. And they better get used to more! Hasbro has to meet budgets, and in order to meet budgets, reusing existing tooling is a requirement. The “Attack Of The Clones” wave is essentially the first “repack, refreshed, and repaint” wave for the 6″ line. but 3.75″ collectors are used to them. Plo Koon isn’t perfect, but it’s an admirable effort. Will you add one to your collection? (more….)
Research Droids Reviews: Season 12
104th Battalion 6-inch The Black Series Action Figures Battle Of Geonosis Clone Wars Dorin General Plo Koon Jedi High Council Jedi Master Kel Dor Plo Koon Star Wars Episode II: Attack Of The Clones The Black Series [Phase III] Wolfpack
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