Welcome, Toy Runners! It’s Tuesday again, and I have some great finds to share with you! Some new finds and some old ones follow, so click here to see what my week in Star Wars was like!
I did share this photo in some comments in another article, but I still found it worthy of sharing as it was an actual toy run where I found new product. I even found it at Walmart, no less. It’s great seeing new toys on the shelves finally!
I got off work early yesterday and made a trip to Goodwill and Savers because I haven’t gone in quite a while. I ended up finding something worth my time. They had a fuselage of Wedge Antilles’ X-Wing Fighter. The only x-wing I have is my childhood POTF2 electronic version with Luke stuck in the cockpit. I wasn’t about to spend $100 on the recent TVC one, so I spent $3 on this fuselage, and swapped the wings with my old POTF2 xwing.
Obviously the markings don’t match now, so I am going to repaint it myself as accurately as possible to Luke’s Red 5. Although I am very tempted to make a Blue Sqaudron Xwing, but then I would have to spend $100 on the TVC Luke Xwing and that is unlikely!
That is all for this week, folks! I hope your week in Star Wars was as good as the one I had. Let’s see your collections, finds, and customs in the comments below. Thanks for reading!
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