Hasbro, thank you for the all-new and beautiful Tantive IV playset. It was a nice surprise. But we have to talk about that pack in figure stat! (more….)
Would it be that difficult to take any of the hundreds of previously existing head sculpts you already have an give us a unique Rebel Fleet Trooper instead of another Pello Scrambas again? (Yes, we acknowledge the Photo Real update). This figure is coming on a Rogue One card back. But it’s the same figure released in the original run of The Vintage Collection. We need to army build this figure, and we need your help to do it.
But here is the tricky part. What are you numbering this figure? I hope you’re not giving it a new VC number because this is nothing more than a running change of the 2011 figure’s card art. You’ll need to number this one VC52 too for things to make sense. It’s the only way to do it.
However, if you can find it in your hearts to give this figure a new (or preexisting different head sculpt), then this approach would entitle the figure to receive a new VC number. It only makes sense this way.
Please add a little more newness to this set, please. Your thoughts in the comments, please.
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