It’s easy to forget what magnitude of things are wrong with The Vintage Collection when uber-cool items like the BMF are shipping, but don’t lose focus. I typically cannot be bothered with anything on social media, but this post caught my eye. JTA was tagged by blueharvestcollector with a post that asks, “Where’s the TVC scale version?” (of Baby Yoda). The question seems simple, but it’s profound because it speaks volumes. If the absence of a 3.75″ The Child action figure in the line doesn’t scream at you how disengaged Hasbro is to The Vintage Collection; nothing will. For goodness sake, Chia Pet collectors have Baby Yoda before TVC collectors. Doesn’t that embarrass anyone at Hasbro? And before someone says, “maybe the character is to small,” I would draw your attention to 2009’s TLC Captain Typho (BD 47) figure’s communicator accessory. I believe it’s still the tiniest 3.75″ accessory to date. For that matter, the 6″ The Child’s accessories are tiny as well.