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NZ Mint: Star Wars Chibi Coins Are Here! A World First!

New Zealand Mint’s very cool, Chibi Coin Collection launched on 1 July this year and the good news is there is a Star Wars series. Although the first silver coin in the series, for Darth Vader, sold out in just over 24 hours!

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While New Zealand Mint are being shy about which other characters will be released this year, you can see the coin silhouettes of what’s coming on their website. It looks like Chewbacca is due for release on 29 September! 

If you are not familiar with chibi, it is a much-loved art style featuring characters with large heads, large eyes, and small bodies. In addition to their modified proportions, these characters typically lack the detail of their normal counterparts. As a result, when a character of average proportions is depicted as a chibi character, certain aspects of their design will be simplified, and others will be exaggerated. New Zealand Mint is the first in the world to introduce this collectible coin category.

All New Zealand Mint Chibi Coins will be limited edition, legal tender coins made from 1oz of pure silver. With only 2,000 of each coin being made you’ll need to be quick to get one. So, if you want to be one of the first to hear about new Star Wars Chibi Coin releases, you can find New Zealand Mint on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or subscribe to their newsletter here and get updates emailed directly to your inbox!

New Zealand Mint: adding genuine value to your Star Wars collection.

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